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Too high or low? Too long? Lessons in ergonomics

February 2023—Workspace design seldom supports the tasks workers perform, and pain and productivity loss can be the outcomes. Eliminating the risks at the design stage is therefore the best approach. When that’s not possible, retrofitting to reduce or eliminate some (but not all) of the hazards is an option, though it’s difficult and can be costly, says Marissa Pentico, MS, OT/L, CPE, ergonomics coordinator in the Duke University Occupational and Environmental Safety Office.

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Against all odds, a histology lab in rural Ghana

February 2023—I was fortunate last summer to be part of a team established to build a histology laboratory in rural Ghana. Despite our many challenges, we succeeded in building a laboratory where specimens can now be processed for pathological interpretation. Although many obstacles remain, this laboratory offers great potential to improve the pathology services provided to a large portion of rural Ghana.

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