Home >> Subspecialties >> Coagulation


Lupus anticoagulant—proficiency test and preanalytics

May 2024—What is a lupus anticoagulant (LA)? LA is somewhat of a misnomer. Many patients with this condition do not have systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and usually do not bleed. However, the in vitro phenomenon was originally described in patients with SLE, as well as other autoimmune disorders—thus use of the term “lupus,” and this does often lead to prolonged in vitro coagulation testing—thus use of the term “anticoagulant.”

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Panelists on viscoelastic and other coag assays

January 2024—Viscoelastic assays and other coagulation tests were front and center when CAP TODAY publisher Bob McGonnagle on Nov. 20 convened seven people in an online roundtable. Oksana Volod, MD, and Eric Salazar, MD, PhD, and five company representatives weighed in on, among other things, appropriate test use, automation, and laboratory-developed tests. What they said begins here.

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New guide to whole blood viscoelastic assays: hemostasis, testing, cases, and applications

October 2023—New this month from CAP Publications is Whole Blood Viscoelastic Assays in Clinical Diagnosis: An Illustrated Case-Based Guide. Viscoelastic testing was designed to determine the cause of intraoperative or trauma-related bleeding to guide hemostatic therapy. CAP TODAY asked the book’s editor, Oksana Volod, MD, about the guide. See her answers and a sample chapter. Dr. Volod is professor of pathology and director of the coagulation consultative service, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles.

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Volume? Space? Automation decisions in coagulation

January 2023—Automation and point-of-care, reflex, and viscoelastic testing were some of what came up when a group spoke with CAP TODAY publisher Bob McGonnagle in late November about hemostasis testing. Also tossed in: Results reporting to the EHR, which “can always be improved,” said Eric Salazar, MD, PhD, of University of Texas Health San Antonio. And D-dimer, one of the pandemic’s “health care heroes,” said Nichole Howard of Diagnostica Stago. Here’s what they said about all that and more.

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