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Clinical Pathology

Lab 2.0, Medicare 2030, AI—how they come together

July 2024—The term value-based care is spoken of often, but what part do laboratories play in it and how can they be paid for it? What is Medicare 2030, and what does it mean for laboratories? How can AI be used to practice the medicine of tomorrow? Myra Wilkerson, MD, in speaking in May at the Pathology Informatics Summit, answered these and other questions. She is chair of the Department of Laboratory Medicine and of the Diagnostic Medicine Institute at Geisinger Health in Danville, Pa. She is a founding member of the Project Santa Fe Foundation, for which she serves on its board and as treasurer. She opened her talk in May about Project Santa Fe’s Clinical Lab 2.0 model—what it looks like now and the work they’re doing. We bring to you here what she shared there.

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At U of Maryland, low titer O whole blood use in trauma

July 2024—The University of Maryland Medical Center is one of many sites using low titer O whole blood in trauma cases. As of May, 720 patients at UMMC had received whole blood, and that number of patients treated since the program’s start in 2021 speaks for itself, says Bryon P. Jackson, MD, MHA, Midtown Campus laboratory director and director of blood management and associate director of transfusion medicine services.

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In urinalysis, compromises, collections, and rules

March 2024—Reflex criteria, middleware, bladder cancer screening, point of care, controls, and collections came up in CAP TODAY’s Jan. 16 roundtable on urinalysis. Six people weighed in, with CAP TODAY publisher Bob McGonnagle leading. Their take on where things stand and where they can be better follows. CAP TODAY’s guide to urinalysis instrumentation begins here. Tim Skelton, in last year’s ...

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Many knots to untangle in lab test names

September 2023—Ambiguities, inconsistencies, omissions, and other defects in the naming of laboratory tests can send test orders and results interpretation awry, particularly with some of the most common tests. Even among clinicians and laboratorians working at the same hospital for years, smooth sailing is not guaranteed. The authors of a study published in Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine hope to change that. Their aim is to alert patient-facing providers and laboratories to the risks that ambiguous or nonstandardized laboratory test naming poses and to provide practical rules for minimizing those risks.

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Disruptive technologies—what impact on lab workflow?

September 2023—New from CAP Publications is Disruptive Technologies in Clinical Medicine, by Frederick Kiechle, MD, PhD. In his new book Dr. Kiechle says “disruptive technologies offer new paradigms in diagnostic medicine.” Technology-driven disruptions are stimulated by the need to improve patient care, he writes, and they have been “a feature of the practice of clinical pathology since the inception of the first clinical laboratory in 1895 at the University of Pennsylvania, the William Pepper Laboratory.”

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After negative CT for brain injury, a biomarker gap

April 2023—Traumatic brain injury triage in the emergency department is badly in need of biomarkers—and ones that can change practice. “If biomarkers don’t change practice, they’re a waste of time,” said W. Frank Peacock IV, MD, professor of emergency medicine, vice chair of research, and research director, Department of Emergency Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine.

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Lab leaders on hires, wages, scanners, and storage

April 2023—How is the demand for biomarker tests linked to new oncology drugs playing out in your health system? It is one of several questions laboratory leaders answered in a March 7 Compass Group call led by Stan Schofield, VP and managing principal of the Compass Group and formerly of NorDx/MaineHealth. That and digital pathology and the cost of storage, staffing and wages, the release of results, and the financial implications of the end of the public health emergency were the topics of the day. The Compass Group is an organization of not-for-profit IDN system laboratory leaders who collaborate to identify and share best practices and strategies.

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Digging deep to drive recruitment and retention

March 2023—All in on staff retention and solving staff shortages, some made worse temporarily by weather. That’s where laboratories were when Compass Group members told CAP TODAY publisher Bob McGonnagle in their Feb. 7 call where hospitals and labs were aiming their efforts. From safety huddles and stay interviews to arranging for overnight stays and incentives, the work to remain sufficiently staffed continues. The Compass Group is an organization of not-for-profit IDN system laboratory leaders who collaborate to identify and share best practices and strategies.

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For those who want it easy, blood draws anywhere

March 2023—The need was always there for some. For others, it’s a matter of convenience. “Home phlebotomy as a concierge service” is how Michael Eller describes what went live in 2019 in New York at Northwell Health, where he is assistant vice president of business development for its laboratories. “It was just a matter of using the capacity we already had in the field and hiring appropriately as needed,” he says.

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New starts: rapid-molecular pullback, fentanyl screen

January 2023—Respiratory viruses were up in most states when Compass Group members met online Dec. 6 with CAP TODAY publisher Bob McGonnagle, and some were looking to centralize their now decentralized rapid molecular testing. At least one system had already done so. In California, a new law requires fentanyl screening be included in drug screens in all general acute-care hospital lab settings.

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The way forward for prehospital transfusion

December 2022—Ask Leonard Weiss, MD, what his favorite part of his schedule is, and he’s quick to answer that it’s the fieldwork: the helicopter and ambulance dispatches he accompanies once or twice a month as associate medical director of emergency medical services at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Dr. Weiss, who is also assistant professor of emergency medicine and assistant medical director of Pittsburgh’s Stat Medevac service, says one of the UPMC emergency services he strongly supports is the prehospital transfusion of blood products. “Until recently, there wasn’t a lot of evidence to deploy its use on the ground as it is in the air, but thanks to extensive use by the military and scientific evidence of the value of prehospital transfusion,” he says, it is more likely to become part of some hospitals’ emergency medicine programs. The 911 ground-based transfusion program at UPMC and city of Pittsburgh EMS began in 2020. As Dr. Weiss and his UPMC colleagues acknowledge, however, myriad complexities come into play.

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Bright prognosis for brain injury biomarkers

November 2022—The lack of tools for assessing traumatic brain injury has long bedeviled physicians. There’s CT. And then? “This has been an unmet medical need for years,” says Ramon Diaz-Arrastia, MD, PhD, the John McCrea Dickson, MD, professor of neurology and director of the Clinical Traumatic Brain Injury Research Center, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. “As many of us know, it’s one of the major barriers that has hindered clinically advanced development of new therapies in TBI. And I think it’s pretty clear that the clinical evaluation alone leaves a lot to be desired.” “I am always frustrated that we have limited tools,” agrees Frederick Korley, MD, PhD, associate professor and associate chair for research in emergency medicine, University of Michigan Medical School, and scientific director, Massey TBI Grand Challenge, Weil Institute, University of Michigan. That’s now on the cusp of changing. Blood-based biomarkers for brain injury may not be bellying up to the bar just yet, but they are starting to raise the bar for how physicians assess TBI.

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Purchased for the pandemic? Rethinking instrumentation

October 2022—Who’s doing what with instruments purchased at the peak of the pandemic? That and next-generation sequencing are what CAP TODAY publisher Bob McGonnagle asked Compass Group members about when they met virtually on Sept. 6. The Compass Group is an organization of not-for-profit IDN system laboratory leaders who collaborate to identify and share best practices and strategies.

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U.S. blood supply steadier but still short

August 2022—Blood is a precious resource and shouldn’t be treated as a commodity. That’s the consensus in the blood banking community, in line with a longstanding conviction that volunteer donations should remain at the blood system’s core. But as the worst of the pandemic appears to have passed, discussion of blood shortages has increasingly drawn on the vocabulary of commerce, and the warnings about the blood supply have been rife with references to supply chain problems that go beyond the need for more donations. Crises in the blood supply are nothing new, and while the health care system strives to stay prepared, the pandemic threw novel commercial and logistical factors into the mix, in some ways jumbling the expected order of a crisis for blood services. Hospitals scrambled to cope with a surge of COVID-19 patients while the spread of infection caused thousands of blood drives to be canceled, so there was a steep drop in supply of blood products, says Pampee Young, MD, PhD, chief medical officer, biomedical services, American Red Cross.

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Savings, schedules, new automation—labs weighing it all

August 2022—Running into the reality of staffing. Those are the words of a pathologist who said in the most recent Compass Group roundtable that its health system is making a push to obtain and test specimens “as close to home as possible.” Another Compass Group member said planning is underway for the new hospitals his system is going to build, “but we don’t know where staff will come from.” Here is what they and others told CAP TODAY publisher Bob McGonnagle on July 5.

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Transgender care, in and beyond the lab

July 2022—Gabrielle Winston-McPherson, PhD, could be talking about almost any aspect of laboratory medicine as she recounts how the Henry Ford Health chemistry division, in which she is associate director, has identified a patient care need. She talks about the desire to improve health outcomes. Identifying problems in the preanalytical process. Appropriate test utilization. Putting together a team to develop training material. Assembling data and information prior to implementation. Informatics challenges. And, naturally, the perpetual financial concern of ensuring allocation of limited resources. How else would she—or any other laboratory professional—talk about the lab’s role in transgender health care? In fact, there are many other ways to discuss the topic. “It’s been in the news a lot these days, obviously,” says Matthew Krasowski, MD, PhD, clinical professor and vice chair, clinical pathology and laboratory services, University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics. In fact, there are many other ways to discuss the topic.

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‘A struggle every day’—outpatient center decisions

July 2022—A time of tough choices. A complex dance. This is how Compass Group members on a call with their colleagues, led by CAP TODAY publisher Bob McGonnagle, describe what it’s like to cover outpatient centers amid severe staff shortages. “We are consuming significant resources to get all our locations staffed,” one member says. Another predicts: “We will not be out of this staffing situation for 10 years.” Here is more of what they and others talked about on June 7 as COVID positivity rates were up and monkeypox was in the news. The Compass Group is an organization of not-for-profit IDN system laboratory leaders who collaborate to identify and share best practices and strategies.

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