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Anatomic pathology computer systems, 2024



What Is An AP Laboratory Information System (APLIS) and What Does It Do?

Today’s AP lab requires a reliable system track and manage the entire testing process from specimen collection through report delivery. An effective APLIS plays a key role in the pathology workflow, watch to learn how. Learn more.

AP and CP reporting—the needs, the caveats

February 2024—Anatomic and clinical pathology reporting—what’s working, what’s missing. Three pathologists (all board certified in informatics) and representatives of three information system companies met online Dec. 19 with CAP TODAY publisher Bob McGonnagle to talk about reporting needs, the changes, what’s optimal. The first half of their discussion begins here; the second half will be published in the March issue.


Suren Avunjian, anatomic pathology and laboratory information systems are converging. It seems like the dialogue we have for the CAP TODAY LIS roundtable and the AP computer systems roundtable is almost one and the same. Can you comment on how AP and LIS are coming together?
Suren Avunjian, co-founder and chief executive officer, LigoLab Information Systems: In recent years we’ve seen a significant expansion of services offered by pathology laboratories, which have been extending their capabilities, with an emphasis on women’s health and molecular diagnostics. It reflects an evolution toward a more comprehensive clinical service model.

Pathologists and laboratory professionals have recognized the inefficiencies and potential for errors when patient samples are divided among specialized facilities, so they are increasingly offering full-service diagnostics to provide a continuum of care that is patient centered and cost-effective.

A primary driver of this integration is the demand from health care providers for a unified diagnostic report that encompasses all necessary tests, from histopathological exams to molecular analyses. By converging anatomic pathology and laboratory information systems, we can eliminate redundancies, facilitate faster decision-making, and support a more holistic approach to patient care.

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