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Looking for a Vehicle Valuation or hpi check?

We’re here for you at every stage of a vehicle’s life.

Our vast expertise and thoroughly comprehensive data make for a powerful combination. With a long history of vehicle specifications, valuations, running-cost data, and provenance all in one place, it’s easy to see how we emerged as market leaders in the field of automotive data. It’s also why so many businesses continue to reap the benefits we offer, right across the industry.

We’ve grown into a true one-stop shop, offering everything you need to shift your entire enterprise up a gear. Our digital products, tools, and services are known for being consistently accurate, reliable, and simple to use, and our experts are on hand to give you the advice you want, when you need it. So whatever your data needs, we can arrive at a solution together.

A truly global code.

Our singular consistent code identifies vehicles and links up data across the entire lifecycle.

We’ve future-proofed the format to allow for new technology in the automotive space.

It’s structured to be transferable across the globe, enabling comparative analysis.


A consistent approach.

We have a consistent methodology for the construction of SPEC, VALUE, and COST data, right across the world.

Our vehicle information can be compared directly and easily, in any country.

We offer unique, market-specific insight into datasets through our Local Editor overlay.


All from a single source.

We’re a single supplier of data covering the complete vehicle lifecycle.

Our easy-to-consume range of integrated datasets is all linked by the same code.

We offer modern API-based access with constantly updated information on demand.
