Two Tesco employees and a Cancer Research UK nurse discuss cancer awareness.

Cancer Awareness in the Workplace

Help your employees live longer, healthier lives.

A unique, competitively priced, programme

Every year, more than 127,000 people of working age are diagnosed with cancer in the UK. Around 4 in 10 of these cases could be prevented. This is where we can help.

Our Cancer Awareness in the Workplace programme supports your employees to reduce their risk of cancer and take positive action for their health.

The programme has received excellent feedback since it launched in 2016. It’s designed by our nurses and health experts with years of experience and priced on the sector and size of your organisation.

Reducing health inequalities is at the heart of the programme and we prioritise employees who are harder to reach or have a higher risk of poor health.

View our pricing(PDF, 229 KB)

Design your programme with us

We’re the experts on cancer and you’re the experts on your workforce, so together we can create the best package. This could include tailored virtual and face-to-face activities and resources, such as:

  • talks

  • webinars

  • bespoke communications

  • quizzes

  • surveys

  • training and development tools

  • cancer awareness stands

Get in touch

The impact on employees

Since we launched the programme in 2016, we have engaged more than 30,000 employees through face-to-face services and achieved almost 3.4 million touch points with our tailored health communications. And the programme continues to receive overwhelmingly positive feedback.


Would recommend to a colleague.


Understand how to improve their health.


Feel better or much better towards their company.

Companies we've worked with

Here are some of the organisations we have previously worked with.

M&Co logo.
Scottish Power logo.
Tesco logo.
Warburtons logo.

The information I received was excellent, it would be great to see this as a regular event.

- TK Maxx employee after visiting a cancer awareness stand

I’d thoroughly recommend this programme for employees – it’s really made a huge, positive difference to my health. With what I learnt, I pledged to stop smoking. I’ve now been smoke-free for a year and I feel incredible! Thank you Cancer Research UK.

- Stephen Primmett, North Operations Manager, Amey

Sue Racster, Social Value Manager at Amey, smiling.

The programme has been really well received by our people. The Cancer Research UK nurses are outstanding and the level of engagement has exceeded our expectations.

- Sue Racster, Social Value Manager, Amey

Other ways to get involved


  1. Responses from 2,440 employees after attending a talk, webinar or visiting a cancer awareness stand (April 2018 - March 2022).

  2. Responses from 698 employees after attending a talk, webinar or visiting a cancer awareness stand (April 2021 - March 2022).

  3. Responses from 2,333 employees after attending a talk, webinar or visiting a cancer awareness stand (April 2018 - March 2022).

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@CRUKHCPs for news, updates and opinion.