
Education empowers and transforms. It promotes human development, political and economic growth, and stability. CAMRIS works to ensure students have equitable access to safe learning environments. Our staff design, implement, and manage basic and higher education and workforce development programs. We partner with government agencies, donors, institutions, communities, and schools to increase access to and improve the delivery and quality of education services, including conflict resolution and peace building, resilience, and inclusion services. CAMRIS strengthens information capacities of institutions, provides technical assistance in the organization and implementation of curriculum, including remedial curriculum, and increases the capacities of school personnel to recognize signs of distress and provide psycho-social support. Further, we analyze education interventions to inform decision making and enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of future interventions.


Curriculum Development

CAMRIS builds the capacity of partners in curriculum development and material design to guide learning so that they can meet the needs of the students and societies for which they serve. Recognizing that learning materials shape attitudes and perceptions and powerfully impact how students understand the world and one another, we train educators to design and implement gender- and conflict-sensitive learning materials and curricula to promote inclusion and equitable access to education and to mitigate unintended negative impacts of education.


School Construction and Rehabilitation

CAMRIS is committed to increasing equitable access to education everywhere, including in conflict zones, as children who lack a substantial education will grow up without the knowledge needed to contribute to human development, political and economic growth, and stability in their communities.

We partner with stakeholders to increase the availability of safe and accessible schooling. Most recently, CAMRIS led the construction of 61 classrooms and rehabilitation of 249 schools in five conflict-affected regions of Mali (Segou, Mopti, Timbuktu, Gao, and Kidal) while adhering to U.S. and Malian environmental regulations.

School Construction
and Rehabilitation

Rapid Needs Assessment

CAMRIS conducts rapid needs assessments to develop a preliminary understanding of a situation, assess the effects of a crisis or conflict on learners and an education system, identify education capacities and gaps, inform stakeholders’ decisions regarding the design and delivery of an education response strategy/program in a way that does not contribute to conflict, and help reduce duplication of efforts.

Rapid Needs

Rapid Education and Risk Analysis

A rapid education and risk analysis (RERA) examines how contextual risks, such as a conflict or a pandemic, impact learning, how education influences such risks, and how various risks affect one another. Recently, CAMRIS conducted a RERA for the regions of Gao, Timbuktu, Kidal, Ségou, and Mopti in Mali.

Rapid Education and Risk Analysis

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