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WWE Raw results, live blog (July 8, 2024): Money in the Bank fallout

Follow along with this week’s episode, the first stop following the events of Money in the Bank!

WWE Monday Night Raw comes waltzing back into our lives tonight (July 8, 2024) from the Canadian Tire Centre in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, featuring all the fallout from the Money in the Bank premium live event that went down this past Saturday night in Toronto.

Advertised for tonight: Damian Priest is still your world heavyweight champion and a match with GUNTHER looms large. Liv Morgan & Dominik Mysterio team up for the first time against Rey Mysterio & Zelina Vega. Elsewhere, Jey Uso takes on Chad Gable, Braun Strowman teams with Awesome Truth to battle The Judgment Day, and Lyra Valkyria links up with Katana Chance & Kayden Carter to duke it out with Damage CTRL. Plus, a whole lot more!

Come right back here at 8 pm ET when the Raw live blog will kick off once the show starts on USA Network. It will be below this line here. Reminder: GIFs and pics allowed, but no links to illegal streams, please.


Rich boy on his hoard of milk and honey, kneeling at the altar of inherited money and all the marks are in it to win it but he’s selling yesterday’s lottery tickets. Me, though? I’m just here to liveblog this pro wrestling show for you folks.

The show opens with a recap of Money in the Bank from Saturday.

We see Damian Priest, still World Heavyweight Champion, walking backstage.

CM Punk makes his entrance, a smile on his face and a spring in his step as he gladhands fans on the ramp.

He gets in the ring and on the mic and begins, saying it’s been a long time since he’s been in Ottawa and it’s great to be here. He’s got a lot to get off his chest, but the first thing he wants to do is recognize someone he’s shared a lot of hours in the ring, someone he once insulted very deeply by calling him the New York Yankees.

He congratulates John Cena on his retirement and says he doesn’t know what the future holds but he’d love to lace up with him one more time. But Cena’s not here and he is, and there’s another guy who isn’t here, and his name is Drew McIntyre. Part of Punk wanted to check under the ring but million dollar body and ten cent brain got himself suspended.

And he’s got the footage if you don’t know what he’s talking about, and it rolls of Drew McIntyre interrupting the post-show panel at Money in the Bank, shoving referees, and knocking Raw general manager Adam Pearce back with an elbow before Wade Barrett holds him back from further violence.

CM says he came back to get his hands on Drew and he’s been trying to teach him the simple lesson that there are consequences to your actions. You should not be shocked when you pick a fight with CM Punk and he fights back. There are consequences to your actions, and CM Punk is the consequence to all of those actions.

He recounts all the times he played spoiler to McIntyre over the last several months and his promise that as long as there’s air in his lungs, Drew will never be world champion again. He wants to put hands on McIntyre and he can’t do that if he’s suspended. Punk admits that he got fined $25,000 for his actions and asks Jack Tunney or Adam Pearce or whoever if he can please lift Drew’s suspension so they can fight.

Enter Seth Rollins.

CM Punk hops on the commentary desk since Seth’s entrance is going to take a while and borrows Pat McAfee’s headset and asks what Michael Cole thought he was doing calling him his government name at Money in the Bank and they go back and forth about his actions.

Rollins asks him to come into the ring, unless he’s afraid of having his ass kicked. Punk says he’s not sure if Seth remembers the last time they shared a ring but he told him he wouldn’t take further disrespect so watch his mouth. Rollins says he wouldn’t disrespect him, he’s just trying to understand why actions having consequences applies to everyone in Punk’s life except for him.

Seth talks about how he understood Drew cashing Money in the Bank in but he doesn’t know why CM did the one thing he told him not to do when he came back by sticking his nose in Seth Rollins business. Punk says he didn’t stick his nose in Seth’s business, he was handling his own business and he’d hope that Rollins being a husband and dad himself would understand.

Rollins bristles and Punk says yeah it doesn’t feel good and a man is walking around with a bracelet with his wife’s name and his dog’s name on it and it may be cheap but it means something damnit. He hears it, he has no quarrel with Seth and if he screwed things up for his little pipe dream, legitimately, he’s trying to apologize...

Seth tells him to spit it out and CM says he’s sorry, he apologizes, he never meant to screw anything up for him and he’s snowblind with rage now and he gets that Seth is also focused but he’s sorry... except that since it’s Rollins he can’t be that sorry, can he? Seth says he always has an excuse, Punk says he always has an answer, and Rollins accuses him of being a serial gaslighter, the king of propaganda.

And the dumbest smart dude he’s ever met in his entire life. He’s got most of it figured out except the one thing that would make him the hero he thinks he is. He hasn’t figured out that the world doesn’t revolve around CM Punk. He can be selfish and burn bridges anywhere else and he’ll let it slide because he’s above him, and not just because of the heels.

He was willing to let it slide, except Saturday, because if it weren’t for Punk he’d be world champion. He doesn’t care about collateral damage, well that’s not happening on his watch, and he won’t take a cheap shot because his body isn’t 100%, but when CM is cleared, he won’t even be able to say “Drew McIntyre” before Rollins snaps his arm and puts him back on the shelf.

Actions have consequences.

Adam Pearce is backstage apologizing to Dominik Mysterio for not getting to him and he asks what the problem is. Dom doesn’t want to tag with Liv Morgan, but Pearce says she said he’d want it and his dad and Zelina Vega agreed to it. Mysterio complains but Adam says the match is signed and happening, happy Monday.

Liv Morgan rolls up and says she’s doing this for Dominik. She felt bad about last week so she wants him to see who the real daddy of the Mysterio family is. He begrudgingly accepts and says they better win and there better be nuggies.

“Main Event” Jey Uso makes his entrance and we go to break.

Chad Gable vs. “Main Event” Jey Uso

Uso with a wristlock, Gable rolling through, headlock to a drop toehold, paintbrushing the back of Jey’s head. Block a kick, right hands from Uso, waistlock takedown from Chad, crossface strikes, whip across, hip toss blocked, jockeying for position, finally Uso hip tosses him over the ropes and to the floor!

Suicide dive caught into a belly-to-belly suplex on the floor and we go to break!

Back from commercial, off the ropes, Gable hoists him up, crucifix lift dropped into a DDT, diving headbutt connects, Jey throws him to the floor, and wipes him out with a suicide dive! Back inside, diving crossbody for two! Right hands, taking his shirt off, leg-feed 540 roundhouse kick!

Gable on the comeback, ankle lock, the lights start going down stepwise, Chad distracted...

“Main Event” Jey Uso wins by pinfall with a spear.

Post-match Uso sees the way the wind is blowing and hightails it up the ramp post-haste!

Lights down, fireflies out, mist fills the ring and smothers a prone Gable as he strugles to wake up and sits up. The masked woman appears at the commentary end of the ring and Chad leaves up the ramp and books it while she stands there and slowly turns around, holding yet another box.

She gives her box to Pat McAfee and the screen goes dark.

Sheamus is interviewed backstage.

He says all these young thundercats think they can take shortcuts but it takes years to put on banger— “Big” Bronson Reed interrupts to ask why they’re not talking about him, who is the future, instead of Sheamus, who is stuck in the past. Sheamus calls him a crybaby and says he must know what comes next when you rudely interrupt him, and he wants to settle it in the ring.

Bronson says he’ll fight him any time, just not tonight. First he needs to witness what he does to his mate Pete Dunne.

And we need to go to break.

Back from commercial, Pat McAfee pulls out our third “PLAY ME” VHS tape and passes it to production.

“Big” Bronson Reed vs. Pete Dunne

Collar and elbow, Reed shoves him down, Dunne passes him to the floor, plancha elbow into a moonsault off the apron! Asai moonsault takes Bronson off his feet and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Reed in control but Pete hammers him with overhand chops, running enzuigiri, all for nothing as Bronson wipes him out with a lariat! Dunne rolls away from a senton, stomp the hands, buzzsaw roundhouse kick, corner enzuigiri, another one, double stomp to the arm! Running knee, cover, only two!

Bicep stomp, Reed passes him into the corner and shrugs off kicks for a buckle bomb! Revolution Liger Bomb... NOT ENOUGH! Up top, Pete works the fingers but Bronson trips him up...

Bronson Reed wins by pinfall with the 747 Splash.

Post-match, Reed looks like he’s going for another splash but Sheamus makes the save and they brawl! A Brogue Kick sends Bronson to the floor! Sheamus tries to hug Pete but he’s not having it!

We see Sami Zayn shaking hands backstage and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Seth Rollins rolls up to talk with Damian Priest, who shoos the Judgment Day away.

Rollins says it’s better to be lucky than good, and on Saturday, Priest was very lucky... and he was very good. And he kept his word, his boys stayed away, and since he did, Seth will keep his word and he’s not going after the title, but if he wants to keep it, Damian will have to be better at SummerSlam.

Priest says he still has a lot to prove and when he’s done with GUNTHER, if Seth wants another shot, he’ll give it to him, just name the place. Rollins extends a hand and they shake. Damian answers his phone and smiles, asking whoever it is where they’re at.

Sami Zayn makes his entrance and gets on the mic.

First of all he says it’s an honor to be standing in this ring in his nation’s capital, representing Canada as a champion. He says Bron Breakker brought all his power and speed but he made the mistake of thinking that Sami was the underdog in that match, and he’s not an underdog anymore, he is a champion.

He says he’s earned some respect in this ring and Bron brought no respect with him and learned the hard lesson that it’s one thing to knock him down and another thing entirely to keep him down.

Enter Bron Breakker.

Zayn asks why he’s here, if he’s looking for a fight, for a rematch, or is he just going to keep staring? Sami shoves the mic into his hand and Bron slowly raises it and says he came out here to look the only man in that locker room who can say they’ve beaten him in the eye. He didn’t think it would be him, but he’s a smart guy and he knows how these things go, there’s no reason for him to get a rematch.

So he’s been thinking, and he— HE SPEARS SAMI LITERALLY OUT OF HIS SHOES! Mounted punches, referees and road agents swarm but Breakker breaks away and gets right back on him! Adam Pearce is in the crush now and Bron backs off for a bit... BUT SPEARS SAMI ON THE FLOOR!

And so we go to break.

Back from commercial, we get a recap of what we just saw, because Raw is three hours long. (Three hours long.)

Ilja Dragunov is in the trainer’s room with Adam Pearce and Sami Zayn, and he demands a match against Bron Breakker. Pearce gives it to him for later tonight.

We get a recap of John Cena announcing his retirement tour on Saturday.

Awesome Truth (R-Truth & the Miz) & Braun Strowman vs. Carlito & Judgment Day (Finn Balor & JD McDonagh)

Babyfaces on the move before the bell, stereo Attitude Adjustments from Awesome Truth, Strowman throws Carlito in and we get a bell!

Truth with shoulder blocks, fall-forward Blue Thunder Driver, “You can’t see me!” Five Knuckle Shuffle, Attitude Adjustment... BALOR BREAKS IT UP! Truth passes McDonagh to the floor, babyfaces in control and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Miz and McDonagh, JD in control, falling elbow, pass into the corner, tag to Balor. Both men go for lariats and end up down and out, Strowman tags in, off the ropes and he freight trains McDonagh! Bodyslam, biel, Carlito runs in and eats a right hand, JD takes advantage and tags Balor in.

Finn dives right into a chokeslam but both of his tag partners break up the pin! Braun shoves them off, double shoulder block connects! Tag to Truth, he and Braun do the freight train around the ring arm-in-arm! Back inside, Judgment Day put it together in short order...

Carlito & Judgment Day win by pinfall with Coup de Grace from Finn Balor on R-Truth.

Adam Pearce is backstage talking to CM Punk.

He reasonably puts half the blame on Punk but next week he’s going to see if Drew McIntyre is in a place mentally to even talk about this, and CM needs to not be here, and if he starts stuff again, the match is gone. So go home, pet Larry, and let him deal with Drew. Punk reluctantly accepts this.

We see Rey Mysterio and Zelina Vega hanging out backstage and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Liv Morgan wants to work on double-team moves with Dominik Mysterio but he’s not having it.

She eventuallyt pushes him onto a couch and, uh... works his leg. He’s starting to be into it when Judgment Day roll up and she leaves. Damian Priest says it’s not that hard he should be done with this, and Carlito points at his dick because that’s the joke. Dom says he thought he put an end to it but he’s putting an end to it now.

Finn Balor says Damian has something to tell them and Priest says he’s going to keep it to himself because Mysterio’s going to find out soon.

We get the new Wyatts video.

Bo Dallas is asked about his family and he says he took those no one wanted, the discarded, the forgotten, and he gave them a purpose. He talks about the buzzards circling while we get closeups on all the masks and characters of the new Wyatts. Now, he says, we must set the captives free so they need no master.

He asks if we think they are sick, and a distorted voice answers yes. Bo says that sick will be what they are, then.

Adam Pearce is walking backstage when Chad Gable accosts him and asks if he’s avoiding him. He asks why Adam isn’t doing anything about the Wyatts going after him, and Pearce says he’s doubled security and asks him to figure out why they’re going after him. He complains and says he will, and Adam opens his office door to reveal Bo Dallas sitting inside.

Ilja Dragunov makes his entrance to send us to break.

Back from commercial we get a Damage CTRL video package where they say they’ve lost control and it’s time for a change and tonight they push back.

Bron Breakker vs. Ilja Dragunov

Breakker with a big release German suplex out the gates! Passing Dragunov into the corner, choking him, Ilja breaks away, German suplex of his own, Constantine Special ducked, off the ropes, Bron drops him with a lariat! Trading elbows, Breakker with a military press powerslam, cover for a nearfall and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Dragunov with front kicks but Bron catches him with a spinebuster for two! Bow-and-arrow, grinding Ilja down. Back and forth, big enzuigiri from the Mad Dragon, off the ropes, running knee and he’s fired up! In the corner, Dragunov gets a powerbomb and heads up top, perching for the senton!

Cover for two, Ilja charges in but Bron meets him with a rising knee! Fireman’s carry double knee gutbuster for two! Stampeding Dragunov into the corner, he meets Breakker with chops, perching, he blows a kiss, Coast to Coast, nobody home! Bron with a lariat that sends him to the floor, around the way, but Ilja pops up and cuts the spear off with a boot!

Break the count, fired up, charging in... BRON BREAKKER HAULS OFF AND THROWS A WHOLE-ASS OFFICE CHAIR INTO DRAGUNOV’S FACE! Referee Aja Perera calls it...

Ilja Dragunov wins by disqualification, presumably.

Post-match, Breakker throws Ilja back inside to choke him but here comes Sami Zayn doing a Spirit of ‘76 with taped ribs in the heart of Canada baby! Bron pulls Sami out of the ring and posts him before throwing him over the announce desk! Dragunov back on the floor, fighting mad, Bron throws him over the desk too!

Damian Priest cuts a video promo at GUNTHER telling him to show up next week so he can tell him to his face how he’s going to beat him at SummerSlam.

Pat McAfee does a telestrator recap of the Liv Morgan / Dominik Mysterio backstage bit from a few segments ago.

Damage CTRL make their entrance to send us to break.

Back from commercial, we get a recap of the Final Testament wrecking New Day from last week.

Karrion Kross cuts a promo once again trying to convince Xavier Woods that he needs to leave New Day to reach his ultimate potential, and if he doesn’t, he’ll send him to the hospital.

Damage CTRL (Dakota Kai, IYO SKY, & Kairi Sane) vs. Katana Chance, Kayden Carter, & Lyra Valkyria

Sane and Carter to start, jockeying for position over the ropes, Kairi off the top, roll through, taunting, hip toss from Kayden and a tag to Kai! Hip toss, Chance tags in, sliding flapjack into a senton, cover for two. Big right from Dakota, fireman’s carry, Katana reverses to an arm drag, tag back to Carter and then to Valkyria, knees in the corner, cover for two!

Babyfaces with dives and we go to break!

Back from commercial, SKY working Chance over, Katana lands on her feet, rolls through, tag to Valkyria! Lariats, rolling solebutt, enzuigiri, fireman’s carry but IYO slips out! Lyra with a Doctor Bomb, cover for two, SKY rams her into the corner and Sane tags in. Big chop, tag to Kai, double suplex, Carter runs in, all six women in the ring for a triple suplex that the babyfaces get the better of!

Match breaks down, Kairi diving forearm, Kayden superkick, chop in the ropes, whip reversed, low-bridge sends Carter to the floor and Dakota puts her into the post! Sane off the ropes, assisted dive into Katana and Lyra! Slingshot stomp to Kayden, tag to IYO...

Damage CTRL win by pinfall with the moonsault from IYO SKY on Kayden Carter.

Post-match, Sonya Deville, Shayna Baszler, and Zoey Stark all hit the ring and beat Damage CTRL down! Stark yells at IYO, blaming her for costing her everything before Gallon Throwing her into a knee from Baszler and an inverted DDT from Sonya!

Rey Mysterio and Zelina Vega are interviewed backstage.

They talk about how they’re going to beat Dominik Mysterio and Liv Morgan and shut them up for good.

And so we go to break.

Back from commercial we get a media hype reel for Money in the Bank.

We get a recap of Sonya Deville and company attacking Damage CTRL last segment.

They are interviewed backstage and Shayna Baszler says they just sent a message about who runs the division that they should have sent a long time ago.

Sonya Deville says Damage CTRL was just the start and this is a warning shot to the entire women’s division— they’re here and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn appear to say that as long as they have the titles, it’s their division.

GUNTHER gets an equal and opposite video promo talking about how he’s gonna win at SummerSlam.

Dominik Mysterio and Liv Morgan make their entrance to send us to break.

Dominik Mysterio & Liv Morgan vs. Latino World Order (Rey Mysterio & Zelina Vega) (Mixed Tag Team Match)

Vega and Morgan to start, Zelina ducks a right hand, punches of her own, float over a slam, big back elbow into a front kick, cover for two! Tag made, Dominik shoves Rey, front kick denies a Test of Strength, kicks in the corner, whip across, sidestep the body avalanche, Mysterio the Elder with mounted punches in the turnbuckles but his son trips him up!

Off the ropes, mat slam from Rey, tag to Vega, tijeras on Dom before Liv comes in! Morgan with mounted punches, throwing Zelina into the corner, right hands and a backsplash! Shoulder thrusts from Vega, mounted punches, to the floor, stereo dives from the LWO and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Dominik tearing at his dad’s mask in the turnbuckles, crossface strikes, back on the mat, mounted punches, cover for two. Rey slides under but gets caught by a Michinoku Driver, cover for two. Probing kicks in the corner, Dom charges into a back elbow, gets under his dad, electric chair, victory roll over the ropes and to the floor!

Tags made, Vega in hot with lariats, into the corner, crescent kick, running knee! Off the ropes, headscissors driver, Zelina fired up, up top, a little shimmy, diving Meteora... SO CLOSE! Front kick, Liv doing the Three Amigos, a shimmy of her own, front kick, Oblivion blocked! Vega charges in, both women go for neckbreakers and both women are down!

Tag made, Mysterios going at it again, quebrada from the Elder, superkick from the Younger, thinking Three Amigos, Rey blocks the second, drop toehold, off the ropes, 619 blocked but Vega slides in with a 619 of her own! Mysterio up top off the assist... LIV BREAKS IT UP!

Zelina put into the post, Rey sets Dominik up top, clubbing away, Liv throws a chair in the ring, referee Chad Patton distracted getting rid of it and Morgan tripes Mysterio the Elder up! Dom turns and takes advantage...

Dominik Mysterio & Liv Morgan win by pinfall with a frog splash from Mysterio on Rey Mysterio.

Liv glomps Dom in celebration and pulls him in close, face-to-face...

MAMI’S HOME! RHEA RIPLEY IS HERE! Liv is shocked and runs away through the crowd, and Rhea circles briefly before heading in the ring to reclaim her property.

That’s the show, folks.

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