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Rumor Roundup (July 5, 2024): Ricochet/AEW, Britt Baker health, Vince’s lockbox, more!

`Speculating on the rumors surrounding pro wrestling is a favored pastime of many fans, perhaps second only to actually watching the matches. In this daily column, we take a look at the latest rumors being churned out by the pro wrestling rumor mill.

Important reminder: Rumors are just that — rumors. None of this has been confirmed as fact, it’s just circulating around the pro wrestling rumor mill. We track rumor accuracy in a weekly feature called Rumor Look Back you can find here. Remember, take it all with a grain of salt.

Rumors for the Day:

  • Per Fightful Select, Ricochet is expected to join AEW soon. His agent was backstage at Dynamite this week and has been “leading talks between the two sides.”
  • PW Insider says TNA X Division Champion Mustafa Ali was backstage at AEW Dynamite this week, though they just say he was “visiting.”
  • They also say Britt Baker’s story of suffering a mini-stroke in her return promo is “100-percent legitimate.”
  • Fightful spoke to former members of WWE’s creative team to learn more about the “Vince McMahon’s secret lockbox” stipulation for WrestleMania 32’s Undertaker vs. Shane McMahon Hell in a Cell match. There was apparently never a concrete plan for the box’s contents. What’s more, it was something Vince added at the last minute.
  • Aron Stevens told the Victoire podcast that during his WWE run as Damian Sandow the boss, you know who that is” told staffers not to include him on lists of which wrestlers got the biggest reaction on house shows even though he was “always in the top three, usually the top two”.
  • Former WWE wrestler Dave Taylor is back with the company, says PW Insider. He’s been at NXT tapings and the Performance Center while also showing up at SmackDown a few times, they say, but it’s unclear exactly what he’s there for. He could end up being a Producer.

If you have heard of any interesting rumors that you’d like to add, feel free to post them in the comments section below. Just remember they are rumors and not confirmed as fact, so please take them as such. And check our weekly Rumor Look Back here to keep track of how often rumors turn out to be correct.

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