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Rumor Roundup (April 28, 2022): New Japan/AEW/WWE, stadium shows, JR & The Rock docs, more!

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Speculating on the rumors surrounding pro wrestling is a favored pastime of many fans, perhaps second only to actually watching the matches. In this daily column, we take a look at the latest rumors being churned out by the pro wrestling rumor mill.

Important reminder: Rumors are just that — rumors. None of this has been confirmed as fact, it’s just circulating around the pro wrestling rumor mill. We track rumor accuracy in a weekly feature called Rumor Look Back you can find here. Remember, take it all with a grain of salt.

Rumors for the Day:

  • Tony Khan found out about Nick Khan’s efforts to establish a working relationship between WWE & NJPW through “through his trusted contacts in New Japan” who told him “that working with AEW was their priority,” per a new report from Sports Illustrated.
  • That reports says New Japan officials not only knew about but encouraged Tony Khan’s promo on Nick Khan from last May where he referred to the WWE President as “some con man from Connecticut.”
  • WWE wants to run more stadium shows in 2023, according to Mat Men’s Andrew Zarian. Nick Khan wants to make stadiums “the new norm... when it comes to Premium Live Events.”
  • On a recent episode of his Grillin JR podcast, Jim Ross said he’ll be working with The Rock’s Seven Bucks Productions on a project that will, “go back and look at the territories.” A few weeks ago on the same pod, JR said he’d no longer be working with Dark Side of The Ring due to being “misrepresented a time or two in the edit” of that series.
  • Dave Meltzer tweeted that last night’s Dynamite was “heavily rewritten due to [Hangman Adam] Page getting COVID.”

If you have heard of any interesting rumors that you’d like to add, feel free to post them in the comments section below. Just remember they are rumors and not confirmed as fact, so please take them as such. And check our weekly Rumor Look Back here to keep track of how often rumors turn out to be correct.

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