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1. 例えば、枯れた植物が「ドクロ」に見えたりとかね

Two small hollow, cylindrical plant stems on a bed of mulch and twigs in a garden setting


A dramatic sky shows a striking separation between dark clouds and illuminated clouds, creating a visually captivating scene


A lemon on a tree appears to have a face with sharp teeth due to natural blemishes and damage on the fruit

4. もし「人面石」というものが実在したら…

A rock resembling a human face with defined eyes, nose, and mouth sits on a wooden surface

5. あなたには見える?「アイツ」が

Silhouette of a hedge's shadow cast on a wall near a parked car


A shadow of a mailbox on a tree creates an illusionary silhouette resembling a person, highlighted with a yellow circle

6. カーテンが顔に見えるのは気のせい…気のせい…

A mysterious figure appears behind a partially open curtain in a building's window, creating a curious and eerie visual effect


Clouds in the sky with one forming what appears to be a face. Featured in an Internet Finds article

8. 口の中に「顔」が潜んでいるなんて信じないからな

An X-ray image showing a full set of adult human teeth, highlighting the jaw, teeth alignment, and bone structure

9. 玄関チャイムのカメラに「コイツ」が写り込んでいた

Nest camera footage shows a snowy neighborhood captured at 6:04 AM with the label "Front Door."


Nest camera footage shows a snowy neighborhood captured at 6:04 AM with the label "Front Door."

10. 顔ーーーーー

Sunbeams break through cloudy skies, casting light over a serene landscape with distant mountains and water

11. こっちにも顔ーーーーー

Large pile of gravel with indentations forming a smiley face under a cloudy sky


A small flowerbed with vibrant pansies blooming, surrounded by stones and a concrete border

13. ほらね?

Sunset with clouds forming a smiling face, resembling an emoji. Palms and a small structure are silhouetted in the foreground

14. 「見えない」なんて言わせないぞ?

A close-up of an orange slice featuring a unique pattern resembling a person with arms raised

15. だって見えるもん

A suburban driveway with a closed garage door and a large bag, possibly containing leaves or yard waste, placed beside the garage on the right

16. 反射にも潜んでいます

Two small turtles are side by side on a clear surface, reflecting their images

17. 「アイツ」はそこら中にいるんです

Night sky with a stunning display of aurora borealis (northern lights) in shades of purple and green over a silhouetted landscape
