These 17 Bizarre Photos Might Just Convince You There's Something Beyond This World — For Better Or Worse

    I wonder what the faces are trying to tell us.

    According to my good friend Merriam-Webster, pareidolia is "the tendency to perceive a specific, often meaningful image in a random or ambiguous visual pattern." Whether that meaning is positive or negative is up to the viewer's interpretation. Here are 17 for you to analyze from r/pareidolia:

    1. "Dead plant I found in my grandmother's backyard."

    Two small hollow, cylindrical plant stems on a bed of mulch and twigs in a garden setting

    2. "Show me what you got."

    A dramatic sky shows a striking separation between dark clouds and illuminated clouds, creating a visually captivating scene

    3. "The most philosophical lemon I’ve ever seen on my tree. Despite getting rotten while still growing, it seems to be teaching me to embrace hardships with a smile. Gotta admit though, I was a bit spooked when I first saw it with an eye and a mouth this morning 😱."

    A lemon on a tree appears to have a face with sharp teeth due to natural blemishes and damage on the fruit

    4. "Found this on a beach not long ago. Still can't believe it."

    A rock resembling a human face with defined eyes, nose, and mouth sits on a wooden surface

    5. "You guys see him?"

    Silhouette of a hedge's shadow cast on a wall near a parked car
    A shadow of a mailbox on a tree creates an illusionary silhouette resembling a person, highlighted with a yellow circle

    6. "Looked across the street to see an Easter Island statue looking back."

    A mysterious figure appears behind a partially open curtain in a building's window, creating a curious and eerie visual effect

    7. "Does this cloud look high?"

    Clouds in the sky with one forming what appears to be a face. Featured in an Internet Finds article

    8. "Do I have a ghost in my mouth?"

    An X-ray image showing a full set of adult human teeth, highlighting the jaw, teeth alignment, and bone structure

    9. "Doorbell camera spotted a face in the clouds."

    Nest camera footage shows a snowy neighborhood captured at 6:04 AM with the label "Front Door."

    10. "The curse of Davy Jones."

    Sunbeams break through cloudy skies, casting light over a serene landscape with distant mountains and water

    11. "Happy gravel pile."

    Large pile of gravel with indentations forming a smiley face under a cloudy sky

    12. "Aaaaaaaaahh!!!"

    A small flowerbed with vibrant pansies blooming, surrounded by stones and a concrete border

    13. "A sun goddess?"

    A close-up of an orange slice featuring a unique pattern resembling a person with arms raised

    14. ":)."

    Sunset with clouds forming a smiling face, resembling an emoji. Palms and a small structure are silhouetted in the foreground

    15. "Two bearded men."

    Two small turtles are side by side on a clear surface, reflecting their images

    16. "The garage door is staring at me."

    A suburban driveway with a closed garage door and a large bag, possibly containing leaves or yard waste, placed beside the garage on the right

    17. And finally, "Weird."

    Night sky with a stunning display of aurora borealis (northern lights) in shades of purple and green over a silhouetted landscape