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1. なんとな〜く気まずい

A drain pipe that looks like a man peeing


A statue of someone peeing

3. さらに気まずい

A fake man behind a toilet


A Pooh hanger with knobs where the nipples should go

5. とにかく気まずい

Antler wine openers

6. 気まずい気まずい気まずい

A bear with a human face

7. 「あんた何見てんの?」って聞かれたら…

paper mache of a person on all fours with a beak for a mouth

8. なんか気まずい

A giant face staring at a car

9. 勘違いされるかもしれないだろ

"Veikmv Female Silicone Feet"

10. 別に変な写真ではないんだけどさ……

Someone's toe sticking out of shoes

11. なんか居心地が悪いのよ

the toilet is a huge cartoon chicken

12. なんとなくバレてほしくないのよ

Closeup of someone's nails

13. なんでだろう……

chick that looks fake, has one eye in the center, small beak, and no feathers on the head

14. とにかく気まずいのよ!

A cactus made of teeth
