21 "Perfect Match" Tweets That Have Reminded Us All Why It's The Wild Ride We Can't Look Away From

    Thank you to the producer who gathered all that footage to validate Melinda's story.

    🚨 MASSIVE spoilers ahead for Netflix's second season of Perfect Match. 🚨

    Last year Netflix gave us the first season of Perfect Match, which is basically where single members of Netflix's "Avengers" of reality TV are put together in one house to find true love.

    And because there was no way they could give us only one season of such mess, this past month they released Season 2 of the show. And, wow, just wow, these tweets should give you a taste of just how...chaotic this season is:


    I need Jessica and Harry to stop acting like they are a couple who was married for 15 years and has 4 kids going through a divorce. It was a 2 week fling, it’s not that deep. #perfectmatch #perfectmatchnetflix pic.twitter.com/MBTb59diBv

    — Ray (@TwoVsEvans) June 21, 2024
    Twitter: @TwoVsEvans


    This had me screaming with Harry and Jess. The producers are so funny #perfectmatch pic.twitter.com/6o45qmwDou

    — caro (@17ndwk5) June 21, 2024
    Twitter: @17ndwk5


    😭😭😭😭😭 im crying Izzy can’t believe she wants to match Lmaoo he’s such a nice person lmaooo #perfectmatch pic.twitter.com/Wn1KI3fMyd

    — pascal 🇭🇹 (@p_cal) June 21, 2024
    Twitter: @p_cal


    Izzy when he’s in bed with Micah and all she’s doing is talking about Kaz #PerfectMatch pic.twitter.com/GGZrJoRVqe

    — vanessa (@realitytvbby) June 21, 2024
    Handout / Via Twitter: @realitytvbby


    Never in a million years, would I have thought that Stevan would be the most decent man this season. Yet, here we are.#PerfectMatch #PerfectMatchNetflix pic.twitter.com/fndJ1VpsEr

    — Nyx Brown ✨ (@nyxxbrown) June 21, 2024
    Twitter: @nyxxbrown


    The facade of Dom being a nice guy that’s in tune with his emotions and feminine side is up. We see who you truly are #PerfectMatch pic.twitter.com/YlHmddw9o9

    — cam 🪐 (@camerendenise) June 17, 2024
    Bravo / Via Twitter: @camerendenise


    Baby Tolú is absolutely unmatched. Dom could never. #perfectmatch pic.twitter.com/YKGsGUgjQS

    — Love is Legally Blind (@BingNiceNEZ) June 21, 2024
    Twitter: @BingNiceNEZ


    Ok but episode 9 is some of the best reality tv I’ve seen in a while just a whole ass MESS #perfectmatch pic.twitter.com/Q5BQ8BNMcT

    — Matthew (@mattsurvivor04) June 17, 2024
    Twitter: @mattsurvivor04


    My face when the producers and editors delivered the receipts about Harry’s lies during the final episode: #PerfectMatch pic.twitter.com/17usCeyB3Z

    — Katie (@katieincolumbus) June 21, 2024
    POP Tv / Via Twitter: @katieincolumbus


    Let’s backtrack…sooo you’re telling me all the guys in the house knew Harry kissed Melinda and yet EVERY one of them lied to Jess and had his lying narcissistic ass’s back over someone who didn’t deserve this?! #perfectmatch pic.twitter.com/f0GrlQCrrd

    — Joyce Thomas (@joycet06) June 22, 2024
    ABC / Via Twitter: @joycet06


    Everyone who was hating on Melinda and saying she was lying and being all “team Harry” get that mirror and start putting that make up on #perfectmatch pic.twitter.com/AeqtgMNL1o

    — Jess✨🔜 TWITCH CON EU (@jesstreams) June 21, 2024
    Twitter: @jesstreams


    Thank you to the producer that gathered all that footage to validate Melinda. Harry you're going to hell #perfectmatch. pic.twitter.com/LEE7GHEXKv

    — n. (@enteekaay) June 21, 2024
    Netflix / Via Twitter: @enteekaay


    Harry is such a nasty nasty man! The fact that he did kiss Melinda and say all those things to her! Just to turn around and lie and say he didn’t and in the process insult Melinda! Nah this guy should never be on tv again! Very vile and ugly individual! What a loser #perfectmatch pic.twitter.com/1xqhh2gIFE

    — Jake from State Farm knows I exist (@SeniTelly) June 21, 2024
    Twitter: @SeniTelly


    Men will literally make themselves cry and vomit on national television before they’ll tell the truth #loveislandusa #perfectmatch

    — Tina Tozzi (@tozzit) June 21, 2024
    Twitter: @tozzit


    this years perfect match should be shown as research to psych majors to study narcissism and manipulation in real time

    — ℂ (@minimalismbitch) June 20, 2024
    Twitter: @minimalismbitch


    You telling me I watched a feature length movie long episode just for a last minute couple to win?? #perfectmatch pic.twitter.com/fmNzIzPRTu

    — Ally 👀 🔜 DreamCon (@allynoelle) June 21, 2024
    Twitter: @allynoelle


    HOW THE FUCK DID THEY NOT WIN??? #perfectmatch pic.twitter.com/ej7pJjSwiO

    — 𝕁𝔻 🫶🏻 (@jdmcdd_) June 21, 2024
    Twitter: @jdmcdd_


    how is it possible that Steven and Alara didn’t win??? the robbery #PerfectMatch pic.twitter.com/FDQKFvQDPX

    — linda 𓂆 𓊍 (@sweatvante) June 21, 2024
    Twitter: @sweatvante


    are any of them still together...lemme research #perfectmatch pic.twitter.com/KsrJttjygK

    — ᵢ ₛₐw ₜₕₑ ₜᵥ gₗₒw (@livieiana) June 21, 2024
    Twitter: @livieiana

    To sum it all up...


    Harry needs a new therapist. Melinda deserves an apology from everybody. Jess deserves better. The whole house is fake for telling Stevan and Alara how much they love them together but not voting for them to win. That’s it. #PerfectMatch #PerfectMatchS2

    — Katie ✨ (@katieLOUDen) June 21, 2024
    Twitter: @katieLOUDen

    Have you watched Perfect Match this season? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.