Your business,
our drive

Antwerp awaits you

Picture Asser Zaky

Integrity is key in Antwerp. I can really recommend interacting with other entrepreneurs, it’s very inspirational.

Asser Zaky
Débora Gomes de Oliveira, founder of

So many talented people have chosen to live here. It feels like a privilege to share the city with them.

Débora Gomes de Oliveira
Picture Alexander Varvarenko

Antwerp has a great mix of advantages in location, culture, values, traditions, proximity to the sea and cost of living.

Alexander Varvarenko
Kiarash Nabavieh

I experienced Antwerp as a dynamic cultural city with a vibrant expat community.

Kiarash Nabavieh
Picture James Kruger

Antwerp is an immensely creative city across all sectors, with an abundance of art, culture and food.

James Kruger
Picture Izumi Hongo

In my field of work, everyone speaks English. That makes me feel very welcome.

Izumi Hongo

To Antwerp

Our city by the river wasn’t built overnight… And it has never been a sleepy place! Antwerp has been a leading world port, a trading metropolis, and an industrial hub for much, much longer than you might imagine. Over the centuries, our history of drive, entrepreneurship, and creativity has generated unimaginable prosperity, built upon an equally impressive level of dynamism. Whatever the political situation of the county, duchy, country, state, the Common Market, or whichever entity Antwerp has been part of, Antwerp has remained Antwerp. The world changed, but Antwerp persisted. 

For those who conquered it, the city has always been a rich prize – and a lucrative long-term conquest. Securing a foothold here is securing your own prosperity and success. That's exactly why Antwerp is a smart city, where all kinds of talent converge: creative talent with an eye for opportunities and a tireless drive to achieve goals; flexible, agile minds charting a unique course, whichever way the wind blows. 

Antwerpians don't retreat in the face of adversity. This city has weathered many storms. Those waves have shaped our character. We’re practical, down-to-earth, and tongue in cheek, but also extroverted and passionate. We’re flamboyant and cherish all things larger-than-life. We’re born to set the tone. 

We’re thrilled to give you a warm welcome and tell you the story of a city where people have found each other, have inspired one another and moved each other for centuries. Antwerp is a melting pot and a celebration, a metropolis brimming with colours and flavours. 

We invite you to get to know us better - much better. 

Why companies
choose Antwerp

Why invest in Antwerp

How can
we help?

Looking to establish or expand your business internationally? Then look no further. With its business-friendly environment and ample opportunities, Antwerp is the perfect location for your venture. The Antwerp city administration can also guide you through often complex permit applications. Furthermore, you can easily access financial support via investment programmes, tax incentives, and funding opportunities. And last but not least, there’s the large range of talent available. Let's take a look in how the city can help you.