How did Spain become a colonial power in America?


NARRATOR: A 15th-century Spanish ship - it is captained by Christopher Columbus, who hopes to discover the sea route to India.

ALEXANDER DEMANDT: "Of course, the reason Columbus wanted to find a passage to India was due to the gold riches Marco Polo had reported on. From the time of Marco Polo's travels, the far-off land of India was thought to hold the riches of Solomon. Paradise was always thought to be in the Orient and it was this promise of endless gold that attracted Columbus."

NARRATOR: In 1492, Columbus finally reaches land. He believed he made landfall behind India. Today we know that he had discovered America. Many dangers lurked in the jungle. The warring natives watch the strangers from afar, but do not dare to attack them. What if these white-skinned people are actually gods? The Spaniards fear for their lives. However, the first real encounter between them is peaceful. The natives receive the strangers respectfully, and even bestow them with gifts. But Columbus fails to find the gold he was looking for.

A short time later the natives become more hostile, and the Spaniards more violent. They take natives captive, hoping to get a ransom. Those who remain are enslaved and forced to work for the Spanish settlers who would soon set up homesteads here. Mexico, Peru - in just a few decades Spain asserted itself as a colonial power in large parts of South and Central America. Against the weapons of the Europeans, the native inhabitants have no chance. The Spanish destroy their temples and plunder their gold. King Philip the Second's colonists make him the most powerful sovereign in Europe. And he keeps an exact ledger of all his riches.

LUIS RIBOT: "Philip II was the consummate bureaucrat. He transformed his court administration into a perfectly organized machine. His colonies had to regularly submit reports on the territories and their people, providing the monarchy with an exhaustive collection of key data."

NARRATOR: Philip's heirs were unable to keep control of Spain's colonial territories, much less expand them. By early in the 19th-century Spanish colonial power had all but collapsed.