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Pastry Chef Attempts to Make Gourmet Takis

Takis are rolled up tortilla chips of surprising intensity. After making gourmet Doritos, Claire was pretty confident she could make gourmet Takis in just one day, but the length of this video might say otherwise. Anyway, join Claire Saffitz in the Bon Appétit Test Kitchen as she attempts to make a gourmet version of Takis. Check out Claire's Instagram:

Released on 11/05/2019


What you making now, Claire?



Takis, have you ever had?

What's a Taki?

Can Brad be here for my intro or no?

I haven't even done my intro yet, we just started.


And we haven't got lunch.

No, there's no lunches, Claire.

86 lunch, more work, more videos!

[upbeat music]

[Claire laughs]

Oh no!

Hey everyone, I'm Claire, I'm in the BA test kitchen

and today, I am making gourmet, Takis.

[upbeat drumming]

I've never actually had Takis.

I've heard a lot about them.

It seems like a frequently requested Gourmet Makes subject.

Kind of seems like a cousin of the Dorito,

in that, it's a tortilla chip

with a very intense seasoning on it.

I know that they're rolled, so I'm really curious to

get into them and kind of take a look at the construction.

Open the bag, I'm really hungry, I haven't had lunch.

They're probably delicious.

[Claire] We can go to Six Flags and save $15.

Whoa, they're purple.

Did you say they're purple?

That's not purple.


Oh wow, these are good.

[Claire] The concept's good. Real good.

I don't know if I like this flavor profile.

These are good.

You eat a bunch of those though, you might get sick.

I can't eat too many of these.

You kind of want to go back though, right?

Yeah, yeah.

They're good.

What other flavors we got, besides fuego?

Wait, is that what we're having?

Nah, the purple ones are fuego--

Oh, let's try the spicy ones.

Let's try hot.

Is there like plain?

Plain is fuego?

Oh, fuego is plain?


Wait, so what did we just have?

We had crunchy fajitas.

[Claire] Crunchy fajitas?

You couldn't tell?

Oh my goodness.

Wow, these are--

They glow in the dark.

Yeah, ooh look at this one,

this one's a little bit unfolded.



Like these kill human beings.

Why are they so red?

I think you're going to nail this one.

Yeah, you know why?

'Cause I already made--

Doritos. Doritos.

Take it, roll it.

Same chip, roll it, different spice mix.

Make it less--

I'll finish today.

I'm excited for this one, Claire.

Brad, your support means everything.

Well, I'm here for ya.

[Claire chuckles]

Any time, you just call.

He hasn't been here for like five episodes.


Ooh! These!

The acid is all upfront and then you get kind of,

some of the chili and then the heat comes later.

These are incredible.

They're really red, like unnaturally red.

The red is the coating, there's no red in the middle.

I'm not really liable to go and buy a bag of chips

but if I were, I would maybe be going for Takis.

[Claire gasps]

I don't think I can try this.

Why are they blue?

Why are they blue?

That makes me feel weird.


So this is Takis Wild TM.

Spicy buffalo tortilla chips.

God, each one is like a more brilliant color

than the last.


These might be my favorite.

These would be incredible with beer.

If I had a bar, I would put these out

because it would make people drink.

I have to stop.

I don't want to do this anymore.

I can't eat any more Takis.

They're so good.

They're spicy.

Not like, crazy.

What the [beep] is this?

It's very simple, it's a rolled tortilla chip,

coated in some kind of very unnatural spice mix.

Just the greatest.

[coughs] [splutters]

Chris is still smelling it.


[Claire] That was a big bite for you, Chris.

You really get a very early sweet.

[Claire] It goes sweet, sour then all sorts of

other things and then spicy.

Are you okay?

This was not what I was expecting.

[Claire] No? It's a lot!

It's like sweet and it's so sour.

So sour.

It's a little bit of salt.

It's like citric acid just like, rawr.

And then it just fire down below.

Yeah, kind of just drops down lower and lower.


It's like overload.

It's like when your dog is like sniffing out the window

of the car and you're like, whipping through

the neighborhood and they're just like,

oh my god, this thing, that thing, huh, huh, huh.

Chris, in retrospect, this is truly your worst nightmare.

This is my worst nightmare.


[Claire] I'm sorry I didn't think about that more.

Because it's sour?

[Claire] His palette is so sensitive.

It's just so much.

[bags rustling]

[Claire laughs]

I want 'em.

So it's this, I'm sure that they're different in general

but it seems like they're between

six and a half and seven centimeters.

In terms of the thickness of the chip,

I would say it's very, very thin.

It just seems thick because there's so many layers.

The chip is three millimeters thick.

It's not a tight, it's not a very big spiral.

It's not like there's many concentric rows.

I like to try to hydrate these and soften them so I can

roll it out and see what the original shape of the chip is

before it's rolled,

and I don't need to it completely stay in one piece,

I just need it to come apart enough

that I could get a general sense of the shape.

Oh no.

This didn't really help me a lot.

This is as whole and unrolled Taki as I could manage.

One thing though that I noticed is that if you break apart a

Taki, the inside of the roll has the powdered coating on it.

So that tells me that it's flat first, coated in the powder

then rolled, then possibly fried again or somehow crisp

again so that it stays, it maintains that shape.

Time for my favorite part.

Reading the ingredients.

Corn masa flour, parenthesis processed with lime,

closed parenthesis,

vegetable oil, parenthesis, palm and, or, soybean and, or,

canola oil and, or rice bran oil closed parenthesis,

seasoning, bracket, salt, maltodextrin, citric acid, sugar,

monosodium glutamate, hydrolyzed soy protein,

onion powder, yeast extract, artificial color,

parenthesis, red, hold on, did I miss the closed bracket?


Red 40 lake, yellow six lake, closed parenthesis,

natural and artificial flavors,

sodium bicarbonate, soybean oil, chili pepper,

parenthesis chile, disodium inosinate, disodium guanylate,

TBHQ, parenthesis antioxidant, closed parenthesis,

closed bracket.

Our old friend TBHQ.

Still forgot what that is.

What is it again?


We still don't know.

Just as I thought it was.

It's a corn chip with seasoning on it.

But seasoning encompasses like 15 different things

and now we probably want to over to the computer

so I can do some more research.


I love what this says.

Do you have what it takes to handle the intensity

of Takis rolled tortilla chips?

Are you able to stand a crunchy bite of our full-on flavor?

In Chris' case, the answer is no.

[upbeat music]


[Claire] Oh I've seen this.

I go by the name of Dame Jones.

Hot Cheetos and Takis.

It's too loud.

It's pretty much like this the whole time, right?

Okay, cool.

17 million views.

That's a lot of views.

Good for those kids.

Takis factory, okay.

[narrator speaking in foreign language]

All right, there's not anything on the internet

about how Takis are actually made.

Given the work I already did on the chip for Doritos,

I think the primary challenge here will be

forming them, getting them to stay

and making sure that they're crisp all the way through,

and then the actual chip itself

and the flavor coating will be a little bit easier.

Also, I said, challenge like a real mid-westerner.

[upbeat drumming]

I keep little notes about each recipe for Gourmet Makes

and this is Doritos.

So here it has a quick summary of the dough,

which is 100 grams of white masa harina, 60 grams of water,

five grams oil, two grams salt and two grams baking powder.

So masa harina is a kind of cornflour

made from kernals that are nixtamalized

and this is what corn tortillas are made out of.


I'm gonna let this rest maybe 10 or 15 minutes

and I'm trying to think if I need to make

the outside coating before I even start the frying test

because that's part of the process.

So let me see if I can pull together

some ingredients for that.

What if I do it, what if I nail it?

It's 4:18.

All right, so I took the bag with me.

Onion powder, MSG, we got sugar and citric acid over there,

chili pepper we have over there, all right.

I think we're good.

[Gaby] I need a vermouth.

Do you want me to get a vermouth?

I want a vermouth and I want salami.

Oh, I dunno about salami, is there vermouth in there?

Are you gonna make me a vermouth?

I'll make you one.

Do you like a little cube of ice?


And a little wedge of something?

A little wedge.

[energetic rock music] [whistling]

We have a huge problem.


[ice clinks]


You gonna look very chic with your vermouth.

Oh my god, is it my birthday?


Thank you.

Your welcome, enjoy.

Thank you, so cute.

Having a very civilized 4:30--

I know, I'm liking my new desk--


I'm reading Alexander Bakes, just, come on, this is life.

Live your life.

Best job ever, hashtag, I love my job.

Thank you.

[speaks in foreign language]

[Claire] You're welcome.

[speaks in foreign language]

Oh my god, it's so good.

Thanks, Claire.

You're welcome.

Wait, where were the spices that I was holding?

Oh here they are.

Sohla, do you need a vermouth also?

Oh my god.

Gaby and Sohla work so hard, they deserve a break.

[Gaby] Oh my god.


You're the best person, Claire.

Thank you, Claire.

[Claire] You're welcome.

[Sohla] Thank you.

Oh, I forgot my spices.

I forgot.

Gonna make this seasoning mix away.

I basically made all seasoning mixes in Gourmet Makes,

which is to taste.

I'm just kind of adding small amounts of everything,

until I get kind of the right balance

and I'm gonna be making a particularly small amount

because this is kind of just a preliminary test,

and now I think, two parts Korean red pepper,

it's really bright red so I like that it's bringing

a lot of color.



It's good, it needs a lot more salt.

I think it could use a lot more chili.

Now we're getting somewhere,

and some of the particles of the ingredients

were a little big so I'm gonna mill it.

[machine whirring]

Watch out.

It's gonna be vaporised.

That's kitchen apocalypse.

It's got kind of orange but oh well, it's just a test.

Over here I'm gonna look for an appropriately sized cutter.

Something oval.

Gaby really downsized the cutters, I'm a little worried.

[cutters clanking]

All right, we got diamonds.

What do you call this [beep]?

[Claire yawns]

I'm trying to bend this cutter.

This is the shape I've made.

It's not great, it's not really even a round

but I think it'll be good enough for this test.

[upbeat drumming]

So this dough has been resting for at least 20 minutes or so

and I think I'm just going to start pressing pieces

of dough and now with the cutter.

I worry a little bit about how crumbly it is.

So I have my pot over here.

And now, I need to take it out of the oil

before it starts to set, which might be like,


Quick coating, I feel like it's already drying out.

[upbeat drumming]

Okay, well, it didn't work.

It got too dry.

That's 'cause the dough is too dry

and it's not thick enough.

So I think what I need to do is fry it hotter and faster.

I think I need a wetter dough

so that it doesn't dry out so quickly.

It would really be helpful if they showed inside

the Taki factory 'cause I'm not sure how this is done.

[upbeat drumming]

So I'm going to basically crumble it back into the bowl

and add a little water and then knead it again.

So I'm gonna do that same kind of test.


I'm a little irritated at those sharp corners.

Nah, it broke.

I waited too long, the surface dried out,

too much in the fryer.

So when I tried to roll it, it broke.

I think maybe even hotter because basically,

what I wanna do is activate the baking powder

through heat in the fryer really quickly

while it's still pliable.

[upbeat drumming]

Well it cracked.

Let's go home.


This did not work.

I learned a valuable lesson

which is this is not how Takis are made.

I'm pretty sure.

I think one of the problems is that the masa harina

doesn't have a lot of elasticity.

It's like, if I were to pull, it doesn't stretch,

it just tears, it just breaks.

I'm gonna have to think about this one tonight

because that was harder than I thought it was going to be.

[upbeat drumming]

I went home and I did the thing I normally do

which is I intend to go think about it

and then I forget and then I come back the next morning

without a plan but since I've been here this morning,

I had an idea which is basically to back up and use

a traditional method of making tortilla chips

which is to basically just make tortillas,

griddle them and then roll them up

because obviously cooked tortillas are pliable and fry them.

[upbeat drumming]

And I also want to make a more hydrated dough

than I made yesterday.

[upbeat drumming]

All right, that was like less than 30 seconds.

So I'm not able to roll this without it breaking.

I think I need more moisture and I have to roll it thinner.

[upbeat drumming]

I want to get it a bit thinner than I had it before.

And see, this one is already starting to bubble.


Well, it's sticking.

Well that was annoying.

Okay, I'm trying again.

I'm just going to very lightly brush the surface

with a little bit of oil.

[upbeat drumming]

All right.

I think what I want to try to use is a skewer to help me,

basically roll it.

I think this one, by the way, is tearing.

Um but yeah, that didn't work.

Hi Brad.

Hey Claire, making tortillas?

All right!

Yeah, I need a little help.

I like your jacket.

It's a shirt but thank you.


It can go either way I guess.

Just take the compliment.


I need a little tortilla help.

You need help?

I need help too.

With what?

My knees.

My knee's kind of, my knee's [beep] up.

All I can do is--

For years.

Give you the name of my orthopedist.

Chris has gone there, Carla has gone to him.

Really? He's the best.


He's right over there.

I gotta do something man.

[Claire] Okay so.

What seems to be the situation?

I can't get them to roll.

Corn tortillas. So tightly.

Yeah, corn.

What is your base?

You using--

A masa dough.

Just masa, water, a little oil, salt, that's it.

I say just hit the books.

Do a little research, how do you make a corn tortilla

a little stretchier?

I wish I was more helpful

but my brain's just focused on work.

What are you doing for the--

I made a quick version yesterday.

Do you need some dehydrated kimchi powder?

I got it.

Yeah, if you got some of that.

Can I also maybe, can I use some of your miso powder?


Just put some salt on there and some like--

Mm, smells good.

Some like, beet color.

Oh, beet coloring.

That's a good idea.

We may be have some powdered beet here.

I don't think you want miso, it's kind of cheesy.

No, that's good, no, no, that's good.

Maybe the darker one, hold on.

That ones kind of like parmesan-y,

this one's more like cheddar-y.

Oh, this smells so good.

Give that one a little.

No, I think this one.

I'm gonna find some beet powder.

All right, I have to wait for Gaby to get here.

What do you think is the best fat for tortilla?

I feel like I should use oil because at room temperature,

I want it to be soft.

I'd hit the books.

I'm gonna try one more time.

The idea here is that by adding more fat,

as I cook it, it will stay pliable,

it's basically the logic.

And actually, I think more oil in the dough will also

make it less likely to stick to the griddle

which means I probably don't have to oil the dough

before I add it.


It's not hot enough.

[upbeat drumming]

And it's cracking.


I think Brad's right, I think I have to do some research.


Hey, how are you?

Are you in LA?

I thought you were in Mexico.

No, I was I'm coming back from my last weekend

at Fire Island and then I'm shooting next week so.

Oh my god, well.

And then back to Mexico on Tuesday.

Oh wow, what a life.

So I'm having, I'm trying to make, this is Gourmet Makes,

I'm trying to make Takis.

Oh okay.

I tried, I need more oil, more hydration,

cooking them really fast.

You could roll them in a very tight roll

and then put a toothpick in, drop it in and fry it.

The raw dough?



After I roll it?



I mean, I haven't even been able to really,

I mean this is different dough that I was trying before

but I can try rolling the raw dough and see what happens.

Yeah, buddy!

[Rick] Morocco!

Ricky Tados.


All right, bye.

It's his final Fire Island weekend.

Rick, I'm sorry about summer.

Let me see what kind of roll I can get with the raw dough.

[upbeat drumming]

I mean, that works.

All right, that is a tight spiral.

I just want to point out.

This is much too big for a Taki,

it rolled over onto itself too many times, but,

that's pretty good.

That was maybe a mini breakthrough, what just happened.

I wanna see if I can drop it right into the fryer

and get a good result

but first, I want to actually coat the dough,

after I press it, in the powder on both sides

and then try to roll it and see what happens

because I, there's no other explanation for

how these are made, then that approach.

Oh no.

It's breaking apart.

Oh my god.

So I took it out of the oil before it was crisp

because it exploded, which tells me that I have

to dry it first which means I think I'm gonna bake them

and then fry them.

So that's really great.

That's super useful.

And I'm gonna basically sit here and form

maybe five Takis as a test.

I'm just gonna do some quick assembling.

I feel very good about these.

I think that, on a basic level,

there's a path forward with this method.

All right, now I'm gonna do something kind of stupid

and just dump them all in the fryer.

All right, let's see what happens.

Yeah, this one's getting kind of dark, I'm gonna pull it.

So the spices got really dark, in the fryer.

So maybe I fried them a little too hot.

It's not as thick or as open as a regular Taki

so I'm still thinking that maybe baking powder

is a good move.

All right, that's crisp.

Surprisingly crisp.

Overall, it's pretty good.

It's crispy, it tastes like a tortilla chip.

There's a couple issues like spices make it

a little bit bitter 'cause they got kind of dark

in the fryer, it's a little too hard,

it could be a little more open and airy

but overall, surprised actually, at how close I got,

just in this step.

I'm gonna make a new dough.

[upbeat drumming]

So now I think I'll add one gram of baking powder.

Okay so now I'm gonna make a new seasoning mix,

using a lot of the same ingredients from yesterday

but also adding fresh ground kashmiri chili.

I like the idea of using Brad's kimchi powder

because it has a sourness to it.

I really like the umami, almost cheesy flavor from

this powdered miso he made.

Three quarters of a teaspoon MSG, kosher salt,

citric acid and onion powder.

Then I'm gonna do three quarters of a teaspoon of sugar.

Gonna double the cayenne.

The beet powder is not gonna bring a lot of flavor,

mostly color.

I have to mill this because

all the particles are different sizes.

Oh! There's a lot of citric acid.


It needs more chili.


Better, it's good.

Now, I'm gonna start portioning out my dough.

I'm gonna make them bigger and thicker.

All right, I'm just trying to roll it now.

It's a little bit thicker and I'm expecting

that it will be kind of fewer revolutions around the dowell.

So I'll bake this for about five minutes.

And then, try it.

My Taki's exploding.


The oil's still a bit hot

so there was a stronger puffing.

I'm using 50% more dough

which means I'm probably needed to let them bake 50% longer

and I didn't do that.

I put baking powder in which means there is,

in addition to the water coming off as steam,

there's that chemical reaction that's producing gas

so it's not surprising that it wanted to uncoil a bit.

I think the thickness actually of the dough looks good.

It's good, the spice mix is kind of delicious.



Not much heat on it though.

Surprisingly, I put like a lot of heat in it.


Yeah, it's a little more, I regret it now.

Yeah, so maybe it needs a little fresh dusting.

You're frying and then,

taking them out and kind of giving it a little toss?

No, I'm coating them pre-fry.

I feel like you might go the one, and then the two.

Pre and post. Pre and post.

I think that's smart.


Cause then you get like cooked flavors plus fresh, right.

You're not getting the Taki fingers,

without doing a little coat.

Look at my apron.


From doing a lot of this.

It's like doing that, yeah.


Chris, what's an oval shape that I can use as a cutter?

Don't we have some like, oval-oid cutters?

Not that I can find.

[Chris] You sure?

Gaby probably got rid of them.

My idea is basically to use these two shapes together

to kind of cut four sides of the oval

and now I'm using, with much smaller curve

to basically round off the ends.

This is so tedious.

I might try to shave off a little bit of this edge.

[upbeat drumming]


Right, I feel really good about this one.

Let's bring it over here.

It got really dry and it didn't break apart.

It looks really good, I think it's so cute.

It does kind of remind me of an extremely small,

skinny cannoli.

That amount of overlap inside the spiral, that looks good.

Right, it's a little wet on the inside

but I, so far, I'm pretty pleased.

I know I was so confident before that the Takis are coated

before they're fried but now I'm not so sure.

Based on the way that these spices kind of toast and take

on color in the oil, I think there's very little chance

that this coating itself is fried, I think.

Maybe it's better just to roll and fry and dehydrate,

or maybe coat and then dehydrate.

This is where a YouTube video would be really helpful.

So I wanna try a version where I just leave it plain

and then try to add the coating

after it comes out of the fryer.

I'm gonna try dusting it now with some of the seasoning.

I'm basically just gonna toss it together in a bag.

That coating got real thick.

Too thick.

Wow, the interior looks really good.

It looks puffed and it's crispy.


It's a lot spicier.

It's so much more, sort of sweet, sour, spicy

and those flavors are a lot more forward.

I feel like this is more correct than adding it pre-fry.

I tested enough parts of the process

that I'm not anticipating some major snag

so I think one more day and I got it.

What could go wrong?

[upbeat drumming]

I truly forgot what Gourmet Makes subject we were on

and what day it was and what we've done so far.

So I had to be reminded that we're on Taki.

I really did forget what I did.

What did I do?

Did I like the seasoning?

Was it good?

I thought it was good?

Like, I was happy with it?

I mean, Taki mix.

That sounds positive.

I feel like my brain is rejecting

all non-essential information

and the essential things are like,

where do I live, how do I take the subway?


Like, that's about it.

It's sleep deprivation.

It's sleep deprivation induced amnesia.

I was told I'm really close so I'm just gonna do everything

that's written here from day two.

I'm making the dough.

So I'm following everything I did on day two

'cause I don't even know what I would change.

[upbeat drumming]

The dough is resting and now I want to take a look at

the cutters that are wonderful.

PA ordered for this shoot because he knows me better

than I know myself.


John's the best.

I think this is gonna be perfect.

[upbeat drumming]

I'm gonna start portioning, flattening and cutting.

[upbeat drumming]

That looks so good.

I'm just gonna make a bunch.

[upbeat drumming]

What's going on? Hi.

How you doing?

I forgotten that I didn't finish this

and then I thought we were starting a new one today

when I came in and they were like it's day three of Taki.

It was literally a nightmare.

Do you need help?

Do you want to set up an assembly line?

Yes, I do, I really do.

How's that for a log?

That is so perfect.

Whenever we set up an assembly line,

it makes me really happy.

Me too.

Rhoda's weighing out and rolling into a log

and I am cutting and rolling onto the dowell.

[upbeat drumming]

All right, I forgot about these little guys.

Is that enough?

Uh, so did I.

Yeah, you didn't.

I literally forgot what I was doing.

Do you have a job for Brad?


You gonna jump in?


Do you want to help?

Do you wanna help, Brad?

Come on, Brad.

Yeah, we can do a little something quick.


Can I use your dehydrator, you got stuff in there?

That one there?

Are you ever gonna let me use that one?

But it's just like, it's already set up,

it's right over there in the corner, it's so close to us.

You can use it.

I just have to take the egg yolks out.

Okay, great.

Wanna show me--

Yeah, I'll show you the ropes of this thing.

Hold on, let me pop these in the oven

and then you can show me.

Yeah, let me get the door for you.

So these are gonna go in.

Over here?

Yeah, 300 for I don't remember how long.

Real simple, look, Celsius, fahrenheit,

I'm assuming you're gonna stick to fahrenheit.


And then it's set, when each one's blinking,

timer is in hours--

[Claire] Okay.

And it's got two little dual fans in there,

really upgraded.

Yeah this one's so fancy.

It's so nice.

Face them all towards the fan, so it blows air through them.

Yeah, yeah, yes, okay, good.

All right, Claire, godspeed, stay positive.


Have fun, smile with your mouth,

with your eyes, with your hands, okay?

Uh huh.

All the smiles.

Okay, I'll do that.

All right, let's see what we got here.

I'm gonna fry everything at once.

[upbeat drumming]

This is really scary.

I think they look pretty good.

They are, like I don't love the cracks in them.

It's just mostly an aesthetic issue, I don't think it's a

big enough issue that I have to do anything over again,

which is the only kind of issue I care about.

Okay, this is a technique from

the Great British Baking Show to make things cool faster.

I'm going to use a big resealable plastic bag to coat them.

[upbeat drumming]

Oh, do we have that lens puffer thing?

So this is a little air puffer that's used

to clean camera lenses.

I've kind of commissioned it for Gourmet Makes uses.


Wait, this is working though.

Hold it, look at this.

[Man Off Camera] Yeah, it is working.

These are really coated.

Okay these look pretty good.

There's places where it's kind of caked on

but I feel like that's how the Takis are.

The main thing I was trying to accomplish with

that technique was to try to get some of the

seasoning in the interior of the roll,

which based on the looks of it, is what happened.

So that's kind of like mission accomplished.

You can see in terms of the color, it's red

and it's not that bad.

But can't hurt to let them really dehydrate

and then I'm ensured that super crispy bite

all the way through.

But I'm gonna actually just put them onto the rack directly

because I want that full air circulation

and I think Brad's idea of having them be in line

with the fan in the back is really smart

so that there's air puffing

kind of through that center cylinder.

So I think the safest thing is to leave these here

for about an hour and then I'll come back and check on them.

[upbeat drumming]

They look really good I think.

I'm obviously pretty confident because I've already

put the final ones on the plate and compared them to

the original, even though I haven't tasted them yet.

So let me just taste one to make sure

this is the version I want to feed people.

Oh yeah.


Is it time for me, or no?


Maybe I don't have a minute, Dan.

No, no, no, I think I'm good.

I think, I'm ready for you.

Oh I did put the kashmiri chili in there.


It's good.

It does that like puckery thing to your mouth.


It's very sour.

It's a lot.

It's just like almost too much and then you're like,

okay one more.


The only way to quell it is to have another one.


I appreciated Molly's validation because I do really

like the way that these, not only do they,

that they taste but that really satisfying crunch

and it did get airier than I thought

in the dehydrator, like it really lightened up

so it actually turned out better than I thought it would

which, that's a rare Gourmet Makes.

[Man Off Camera] They told us we couldn't have Amiel

so I'm gonna go ask again.

I think, can we just bring it in to him?

I'll just really discreetly peek in

to see what they're doing.

[Man Off Camera] And then wait in the back.





[Amiel] What?

Real quick.

Dude, I brought you a present.

Oh, thank you, I really needed this.


Do you want an original too, as a side by side?

Yeah, I'm gonna have that after.

Okay yeah, I think you should have that after.


The flavour's so crazy.


It's a lot.

This definitely, you've got the crunch

and the like, insane flavor that kind of like,

totally overloads your tastebuds and makes you forget

about anything else that you were thinking about.

Uh huh.

It's there.

It's kind of--



Are you okay?

It's just so shocking.


Oh Rhoda, you wanna try one?



Wow, that is some--

That's the face everyone makes.

That is flavourful.

Yeah, it packs a wallop.

I think you nailed it.


This has been a day of extreme highs and lows,

even more than usual.

But we're ending on a high.

So I'm pretty happy about that.

It all came together at the end pretty quickly

and in a very satisfying way so I'm pretty pleased.

I did overcome the curse which is not even a thing,

it doesn't matter but if there were to be a curse,

this, just don't, there is no curse.


[upbeat drumming]

Here's how you make gourmet Takis.

To make the seasoning, combine one teaspoon tajin,

three quarter teaspoon kashmiri chili,

quarter teaspoon Brad's kimchi powder,

quart teaspoon Brad's miso powder,

three quarter teaspoon MSG,

two teaspoons kosher salt,

a half teaspoon citric acid,

quart teaspoon onion powder,

three quarter teaspoon sugar,

quarter teaspoon cayenne pepper

and half teaspoon beet powder in a container and shake.

To make the Taki dough,

combine 50 grams of white masa harina,

two grams kosher salt and one gram baking powder.

Add 65 grams lukewarm water and eight grams vegetable oil

and mix with a spatula until you have a stiff dough.

Knead the dough until smooth and wrap in plastic

and let it rest 15 to 20 minutes.

Portion out four and a half gram pieces of dough

and roll in a ball.

Flatten slightly then place between sheets of plastic

and flatten further with a sizzle platter.

Use an elliptical cutter to punch out an ellipses,

then roll the ellipses tightly around a wooden skewer.

Rest each skewer seam-side down

and repeat with several more pieces of dough.

Place each skewer on a small rim baking sheet

and bake at 300 degrees fahrenheit unntil dry to the touch,

about 10 minutes.

Fry in 300 degree fahrenheit vegetable oil

until the chips are very crisp and golden

then transfer to a rack and let cool.

Place the chips in a plastic bag,

toss in a generous amount of seasoning,

fill the bag with air,

seal and shake vigorously until all the Takis are coated.

Remove from the bag and shake off excess.

Dry in a dehydrator on high for several hours

until completely crisp.

Is there gonna be a Gourmet Makes like,

director's cut of anything?

Or like Gourmet Makes--

[Man Off Camera] That's called the cut


We need an editor's cut.

Or what about, like outtakes?

[Man Off Camera] Someone once said in the comments

section, it was like the top rated,

that the entire episode is--

Is outtakes.

[Man Off Camera] Outtakes.

That's a good point.

[Man Off Camera] It was in regards to Andy sneezing

in the background.


Poor Andy.

Starring: Claire Saffitz

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