Make Emergency Freezer Burritos Today, Thank Yourself Tomorrow

With a little planning, you'll have a freezer full of healthy, delicious burritos within reach at all times. Here's how to make your own frozen burritos at home.
Image may contain Plant Fruit Food Creme Dessert Cream Ice Cream and Watermelon
Alex Lau

As someone who regularly cooks for one, I don't always feel like pulling out all the stops to make an elaborate dinner for myself after work. Which is why I've long been of the opinion that homemade burritos are the perfect food. They're cheap, low-effort, filling, and the perfect vehicle for using up any leftover grains, meat, and veg I have in the fridge. But it wasn't until I learned out how to freeze homemade burritos that they skyrocketed from Perfectly Good Dinner to Life-Changing Weeknight Dinner Savior status.

The following method for what I call Emergency Freezer Burritos (EFBs) will leave you with a stack of healthy, delicious, and convenient meals that you can heat in the microwave faster than you can complete an order on Seamless. They'll also beat the pants off anything you can find in the frozen-foods aisle at the grocery store. So, countless burritos later, here's what I've learned about how to make a life-changing Emergency Freezer Burrito:

Large, pliable flour tortillas are best for your Emergency Freezer Burritos. Photo: Flickr/allthingsmini

The Tortilla

Large, burrito-sized flour tortillas are the best bet for your EFBs since they're easy to wrap and the least likely to tear. Corn or alternative-flour tortillas (like spelt or sprouted grain) tend to be drier, which makes them more susceptible to tearing when rolling (a ripped burrito is a sad, sad thing). Choose something pliable and fairly thick so all those delicious fillings stay snug inside your burritos, and try to find a package that specifically says "burrito-size" on it (these will be around 10 inches wide). I've had good results with the Mission Foods brand of large, burrito-size flour tortillas.

Start with a pot o' beans and you're on your way to a great Emergency Freezer Burrito. Photo: Marcus Nilsson

Marcus Nilsson
The Rice and Beans

As with any burrito, rice and beans are essential to a good EFB. Not only do they add (cheap) bulk to your meal, they also provide a solid foundation upon which you can layer your wet toppings (more on that in a second). This minimizes the risk of your burritos getting soggy before they get a chance to freeze.

The Rice
You could easily make a batch of rice specifically for these burritos. But part of the beauty of the EFB is it's the perfect vehicle for leftovers, which is why I tend to use whatever leftover rice I have in the fridge. Most often I use plain short-grain brown rice, but if you're feeling extra-ambitious, mix cooked rice with some lime juice, a little salt, and chopped cilantro for a huge flavor boost. And if you happen to find yourself with leftover rice pilaf in the fridge, well, you know what to do.

The Beans
Whether you prefer 'em plain or refried, canned or dried, beans are critical to the EFB. I personally prefer to use refried beans (I've used both homemade and canned varieties) because they deliver a hit of creaminess and bring together all the other fillings. Whole black or pinto beans are perfectly fine too—just make sure you drain them well. Whatever beans you use, just remember blandness is Enemy #1 when it comes to burritos. Since it's a lot of individual components in one compact package, you have to make sure each ingredient is well-seasoned before it goes into your EFB. That includes your rice and beans.

This leftover salt-and-pepper steak belongs in your EFBs. Photo: Christopher Testani

Christopher Testani
The Protein

Your options here are pretty much limitless. Here are a few ideas to get you started (remember to always use cooked meat for your EFBs!):

• Sautéed chorizo
Crumbled tofu
Shredded rotisserie chicken
• Smoked tempeh
Sliced leftover steak
Slow-roasted pork shoulder
• Spicy braised chicken thighs

Slow-roasted shallots. Your burrito friend. Photo: Christina Holmes

Christina Holmes
The Veg

Leftover roasted or sautéed vegetables are a great way to sneak a little more nutrition into your EFB. When choosing your veg, ask yourself these two questions: 1. Is this vegetable too watery? 2. Will this vegetable get gross after I microwave it? You want to avoid vegetables with high water content (think fresh tomatoes or bell peppers) because they'll end up making your burrito a soggy, wet mess in the microwave. Avoid adding any veggies you wouldn't want to eat hot, like shredded lettuce, cucumbers, radishes, and, yes, avocado (save it for topping your EFB after you've heated it up!).

A few vegetarian filling ideas:

• Sautéed leafy greens (like Swiss chard, kale, and collard greens)
• Sautéed button mushrooms
• Roasted sweet potato
• Sautéed summer squash and zucchini
• Sautéed peppers and onions
• Roasted cauliflower or broccoli
• Caramelized onions
• Roasted corn
• Slow-roasted shallots
• Roasted poblano chiles

The Cheese

That cheese, though. Photo: Shanika Gunaratna

Shanika Gunaratna

Although it's not strictly necessary to add grated cheese to your EFBs, it can make a world of difference. A dose of gooey, melted cheese adds an element of creamy richness that just brings everything together. Choose a good melting cheese like Jack, cheddar, or fontina. You could also mix in a sprinkle of a classic Mexican cheese, like cotija or queso fresco. They won't give you the same melting qualities as a Jack or cheddar, but they'll add lots of great flavor.

Assembly and Wrapping

Before you begin to wrap your EFBs, make sure you have your workstation set up with your fillings, tortillas, and utensils. You want to create an EFB that's completely sealed on all sides, which will prevent your fillings from spilling out. Here's how to do it: Lay a tortilla flat in front of you and spread a few tablespoons of rice and beans horizontally across the center of the tortilla. Pile on about a cup total of protein, veg, and cheese. Fold the left and right sides of the tortilla in over the filling, then roll the burrito, starting with the unfolded edge closest to you and rolling away from your body. It's a little like wrapping a present. A burrito present. To yourself.

Label your burritos now, thank yourself later. Photo: Shanika Gunaratna

Shanika Gunaratna

Place each burrito seam side down on individual sheets of aluminum foil and wrap before storing them in the freezer. I like to date and label mine with a plain black Sharpie, so I know how long they've been sitting in the freezer. At this point, you could also stack them in freezer-friendly gallon-sized plastic bags for neater storage. The burritos can be frozen a month ahead, although you’d be hard-pressed to keep them around that long.

Heat and Eat

When hunger strikes, grab a burrito from the freezer, remove the foil, then wrap in a damp paper towel. Place the wrapped burrito on a plate and microwave on high for 2 to 3 minutes, until heated through. Serve with a variety of sides, such as pickled red onions, sliced jalapeños, sliced avocado, salsa, sour cream.

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