How to Quit Caffeine without Becoming a Miserable Person

And why you may want to give it a shot.
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Illustration by George Wylesol

A few months ago, I was on vacation with my boyfriend when I decided it was time for me to say goodbye to my caffeine habit. I’d been relying on a cup of coffee or loose leaf tea to get me through the workday slog, PM activities, and even yoga classes since college. I didn’t need a health app to know my reliance on caffeine was psychologically unhealthy. And working in the health writing world made me aware that it can be physically damaging, too: The Mayo Clinic lists migraine headaches, insomnia, fast heartbeat, muscle tremors, and others, as side effects of drinking more than four cups of caffeinated coffee a day (or its equivalent in soda, energy drinks, and tea). I was no “five shots of espresso a day” gal, but, I wondered: If I eliminated caffeine from my daily routine, would I lose the late-night jitters and afternoon crashes I've become used to? In turn, would I have more energy, be more productive, and sleep better, too?

The first work week was brutal. I thanked heavens I worked from my apartment, and this 17-minute Yoga with Adriene Energy Practice on YouTube became my best friend. But, by the following week, the afternoon wall I hit faded away (even sans Adriene) and I had a much easier time falling asleep. Fast forward to two months later, and I’m happy to report I am still—somehow—caffeine-free. All the benefits I’d hoped for are real, and I even beat my mile time at Central Park’s reservoir. The five simple guidelines that follow are ones I’ve been living by:

1. Ease into it on vacation.

If you want to fast-track to the Land of Despair, starting your caffeine detoxification at work is an excellent idea. I found vacation an ideal time to lay off my caffeine habit. I could pop Strawberry Lemonade Nuun Electrolytes tablets to my heart’s delight. I could sleep in. And lying on the beach breezing through trashy romance novels doesn’t exactly require much concentration and energy. Once you have a week or so under your belt, post-vacation Monday still ranks pretty low, but at least you won’t have to add caffeine headache to your woes. your body also will likely find it easier to adjust to abstinence.

2. Keep a running list of all the ways giving up caffeine is improving your life.

Better sleep. More money in your pocket for artisanal seltzer. Less sugar or dairy in your diet (unless you drink your coffee black). Freedom from what is, technically, an addiction.

“Behavior change is often supported by connecting to the bigger values—the things that are important to you—that drive your life,” says Washington-based nutritionist Meghan Cichy, who specializes in the treatment of eating disorders and chronic dieting. “When our perspective is more positive and connected to our values, it can actually help us to feel less crappy about going through it.”

3. Brew up some teas.

Obviously, caffeinated teas are a no-go if you’re cutting out caffeine completely, but think beyond the office stash of good old Lipton. “Make teas using herbs in the adaptogen family of plants as coffee substitutes. Rhodiola, licorice, and maca are all energizing sans caffeine content, and are amazing for when you really need a pick-me-up,” says board-certified naturopathic physician Maria Geyman, ND. “Plus, part of being a habitual coffee drinker is the ritual of brewing and smelling the coffee, and that same ritual can be had when you make [these] teas.”

4. Find a productive substitute.

Diet Coke need not apply. But finding something that will make you feel less deprived as you give up caffeine will help make the transition easier and increase your odds that the habit sticks.

“If you enjoy the warmth of your coffee in the morning, consider alternative options to give you that warm, fuzzy feeling: herbal tea, a hot shower, cranking up the heater in the car, [or putting on] soft cozy socks,” suggests Cichy. Ditto for a soda addiction: Try swapping the bubbles of your post-work Cola with carbonated water, dotting essential oils on your wrist, or even taking a bubble bath. For those mainly craving the stimulant effects, try other activities to spike your energy like taking a quick walk, playing with a pet, or doing a brief yoga video on YouTube (Yoga with Adriene has tons under 10 minutes).

5. Prepare for three days or more of caffeine-withdrawal headaches and migraines.

“Try to stay very well hydrated and utilize headache relief remedies like magnesium, turmeric, and simple ibuprofen for those first couple days to make the most difficult part of your transition that much smoother,” says Geymen. Many give up after a day or two of trying to reduce or kick caffeine because of headaches, so simply acknowledging that this will be the toughest part is helpful to remember to get over the initial hump.

Thankfully, I didn’t suffer from atrocious headaches throughout the process, though I did feel pretty lethargic for the first two weeks. Personally, I found it helpful to crush my craving for coffee or tea with an infused water. In the past two months, I’ve probably experimented with twenty different types (a fun side-effect of nixing coffee). My favorite, though, is simple: a generous handful of mint, cucumber rounds and a squeeze of lemon. It’s a lot cheaper than my daily coffee habit, and the refreshing taste perks me right up—without the crash.