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A super tart, refreshing, and simple fruit snack.
Lots to love about this low-lift dinner, but the crispy croutons might be the best part.
Looking for the ultimate booze-free cooler? Try Bryant Terry’s refreshing grape-tarragon spritzer, which cleverly keeps its cool with frozen grapes instead of ice cubes.
Some people got puppies, some got pregnant, and I got grapes.

Keelan Higgins

We can all agree that they're a terrible snack food, but cooking with raisins is a different story.

Alex Delany

Feel free to use store-bought jelly, and avoid the temptation to add oil to the pecans when pulsing. They have plenty of natural fat if you just blitz them long enough.
The oaky Chardonnays and trophy Barolos of yesteryear have given way to a natural-wine culture that’s fun, unfussy, and a little tipsy. Here’s how to join the movement—quick—before someone finishes that magnum of unfiltered Beaujolais over there.

Belle Cushing

Plus, how to get boozy ice pops to actually freeze.

Nikita Richardson

If you want boozier pops, increase the gin to ⅓ cup.
This jewel-toned salsa recipe can be used on more than just crackers.
For this porridge recipe, pulsing long-cooking spelt, wheat berries, or barley in a blender yields a tasty base for a hearty, savory supper.
Plus, find out why grocery store grapes are so blah.

Alex Beggs

Five-spice powder plays wonderfully off fruit. In this recipe, stem-on grapes are tossed in the oven alongside chicken breasts to concentrate their sweet-tart juices. The method works wonderfully with plums, too.
Farmers' market grapes are way tastier than the supermarket varieties. Here's how to find the best of the bunch—and what to do with 'em.

Rochelle Bilow

Crunchy, bitter, acidic, juicy: If these words don’t make you think of salad, this gorgeous dish is about to expand your vocabulary.
Console yourself about the end of tomato season (sad!) by eating your weight in juicy fall grapes.
Here's how to buy, store, and cook with grapes, in season in September.

Rochelle Bilow

Named for their town of origin in Massachusetts, Concord grapes thrive in colder climates. They start appearing at farmstands in early September.
When all else fails, just add toast.
With grape compote on hand, you're halfway to a sundae; simply serve with some vanilla ice cream.
We tried all kinds of gingersnaps to make this easy crust. Our favorite? Anna’s Ginger Thins.
Simple, sweet grapes are in season in September, and we've got tips on how to buy and store them, plus 8 grape recipes, from salads to desserts
The ginger “bug,” which jump-starts the fermentation in this recipe from chef Cortney Burns, Bar Tartine, San Francisco, specifically uses organic ginger because it’s rich in microbes. You’ll have extra bug; use it to make more grape soda, or try 4 cups fresh unpasteurized apple juice in place of grape.