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Strawberry sorbet, with a hint of sweet bitterness thanks to Campari, sits on tangy yogurt whipped cream and gets topped with vanilla meringue shards.
Turn juicy-sweet peaches into creamy sorbet, no ice cream maker required. 
With a few ingredients and a little patience, the world is your ice cream parlor.
After four years, chef Brooks Headley is still making my favorite versions.

Alex Delany

In Garten’s newest cookbook, she developed a simplified version of the classic ’50s dessert. It took her 15 tries, but somehow she made it manageable for home cooks. Here’s how she did it.

Alyse Whitney

It takes 10 minutes to make and is basically as healthy as a smoothie.

Christina Chaey

It's time to rethink the most important dessert of the year.

Bon Appétit

Who needs cranberries when you can have pomegranate sorbet?
Make Grandma Prue proud and throw yourself a sorbet-in-grapefruit-cup party.

Alison Roman

These frozen treats are also super cute made with orange rinds and work with any flavor sorbet or sherbet you fancy.
It doesn’t come out of a soft-serve machine, and you can’t twist it, but our version of fro-yo wins at everything else.
We can't decide if we like ice cream pie or ice cream cake better, so we'll just eat both.
Don't worry about getting too much color on your pears--they will gain more caramel flavor the market they go. This unusual dessert is a play on flavors--savory alongside sweet--and textures.