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Instant Pot

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From speedy carnitas tacos to comforting bean soup.
These collard greens are great to make for a dinner party when you need to keep your oven and stovetop free.
You’ll go crazy for these barbecue ribs, which are slow-baked before hitting the grill. Save time by tenderizing them in your Instant Pot.
This deeply flavored broth comes together in no time, thanks to toasted spices, browned onions, ginger, beef bones—and pressure, of course.
Brisket, bacon, and beans are the culinary trifecta you’ve been waiting for.
When 5:15 p.m. hits and there’s still no dinner plan, Deb Perelman makes this Instant Pot soup in 45 minutes flat.
It takes almost zero prep and just 35 minutes of cook time to turn pork shoulder into a tender, shreddy version of itself.
The Instant Pot cuts down cooking time by half, meaning you’ve got crispy porky tacos for a crowd in about an hour.

Rachel Karten

The O.G. of Indian cookbook authors just wrote one of the best Instant Pot cookbooks out there.

Priya Krishna

Just when you thought the OG couldn’t get any easier.

Jesse Sparks

A straight-down-the-middle, nostalgic-tasting tomato soup with long-cooked flavor and a short cook time.
40 minutes instead of 3 hours babysitting the stovetop? Sign us up.

Alex Beggs

You will get as much richness and depth from this stock after 40 minutes under pressure as you would from 3 hours of simmering on the stovetop.
Browning the onions and using mushrooms gives this stock a deep golden brown color and plenty of structure and savory flavors.
This black bean soup is seasoned with a heavy hand. If you are salt- or spice-averse, decrease the amount of salt to 1½ tsp. and use 1 chipotle chile with 1 tsp. adobo sauce instead.
Tender, succulent ribs that spent 9 minutes under pressure and then hit the grill. Weeknight ribs are in your future.
Split pea soup is a lot like your favorite pair of slippers—it might not look like much, but boy does it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
12 minutes under pressure—okay, plus 20 minutes to pressurize—instead of hours simmering on the stove.

Alex Beggs

Melissa Minton