Intended for healthcare professionals


GMC’s use of term “medical professional” deepens row with BMA

BMJ 2024; 386 doi: (Published 04 July 2024) Cite this as: BMJ 2024;386:q1477
  1. Jacqui Wise
  1. Kent

The BMA has said that the UK General Medical Council’s refusal to recognise doctors’ concerns about the “dangerous blurring of lines” between trained doctors and physician associates (PAs) and anaesthesia associates (AAs) is “deeply disappointing.”

On 24 June the BMA announced it would be launching legal action against the GMC over its use of the term “medical professional” in materials to describe all its future registrants, associates as well as doctors.1

After recent legislation, which the BMA opposed, the GMC will become the regulator of PAs and AAs as well as doctors from December 2024. The regulator said that the updated 2024 version of Good Medical Practice is a single set of core professional standards that will apply to doctors and associates.

The BMA has launched a judicial review claim against the GMC over its use of …

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