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Reframing the “heartsink” feeling can help doctors find a resolution

BMJ 2024; 385 doi: (Published 27 June 2024) Cite this as: BMJ 2024;385:q1427

Rapid Response:

Re: Reframing the “heartsink” feeling can help doctors find a resolution

Dear Editor,

A wise GP once advised me to replace the term "heartsink" with the phrase "hard think". When a patient makes our heart sink, we need to stop and ask why. If we feel frustrated, how must the patient feel? What are we missing? Missed diagnosis? Miscommunication? Misunderstanding? Misaligned expectations? All of the above?

Maintaining curiosity and empathy may be difficult but it has to be our goal. And sometimes if we stop seeking a solution and just listen, we can make a difference.

Competing interests: No competing interests

05 July 2024
Pip J Fisher
Retired GP