Intended for healthcare professionals


Irish abortion referendum: five minutes with . . . Leah Hoctor

BMJ 2018; 361 doi: (Published 17 May 2018) Cite this as: BMJ 2018;361:k2131


Ireland’s eighth amendment—I want to care for women, not abandon them

  1. Rebecca Coombes
  1. The BMJ

The reproductive rights campaigner on why abortion is a human rights issue

“The Center for Reproductive Rights is a global organisation. In 2013 and 2014 we represented Amanda Mellet (Mellet v Ireland, 2016) and Siobhán Whelan (Whelan v Ireland, 2017) in taking their cases to the United Nations Human Rights Committee. Both women had had the devastating news that their pregnancies either wouldn’t reach term or their baby would die shortly after birth because of a fatal fetal condition. They couldn’t end their pregnancies in Ireland because of …

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