ECO Areas of Responsibility:

1. Turkey

2. Armenia

3. Azerbaijan

4. Bulgaria

5. Georgia

6. Greece

7. Israel

8. Romania



Turkey participates in all four multilateral export control regimes (i.e., the Australia Group, the Missile Technology Control Regime, the Nuclear Suppliers Group, and the Wassenaar Arrangement). All items listed by those regimes are subject to export control in Turkey.

The export of dual-use commodities from Turkey is controlled by the following agencies: the Turkish Ministry of Defense (MOD) and Ministry of Trade (Turkish Customs) issue export licenses for dual-use commodities. The Ministry of Interior issues export licenses for small arms and explosives. The Turkish Atomic Energy Authority controls the material and dual-use items described in the Nuclear Suppliers Group’s (NSG) control list. The Ministry of Economy controls the chemical weapons precursor list items of the Australia Group and all dual-use items listed by the Wassenaar Arrangement and the Australia Group. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides critical information and a recommendation related to a reexport license applications for dual-use items and military articles. However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not issue export licenses. Additionally, any dual-use item transferred to a free-trade zone in Turkey requires an entrance certificate. Exporters must comply with all export control procedures when exporting dual-use items from free trade zones in Turkey.

For more information about Turkish Export Control Laws:

Turkey Commercial Guide:

Turkey - Market Overview (

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