Webinar – Introduction to Encryption Export Controls

On Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time, BIS offered a 90-minute webinar on the encryption provisions of the Export Administration Regulations.  This overview covered encryption items controlled in Category 5, Part 2 of the Commerce Control List, various exclusions from control, encryption mass market provisions (section 742.15), License Exception ENC (section 740.17), licensing policy, and special provisions related to publicly available encryption software.  

For a recording of this webinar, CLICK HERE.
For a transcript of this webinar, CLICK HERE.

Handouts used with this webinar are linked below:

License Exception ENC Chart
Mass market Chart

Single country ELA standard conditions

Worldwide ELA CUESS condition


Deemed Exports Module: 
Introduction to BIS Deemed Export Policies (35:24)


Antiboycott Compliance Module:
Overview of the Antiboycott Provisions of the Export Administration Regulations (15:19)

Note: These are full length Windows Media format videos narrated by BIS staff.
Downloading may take a few minutes with certain internet connections.
Please email the BIS Webmaster if you experience any difficulties.



Other Resources  

Department of Treasury Links and Information on 1976 Tax Reform Act:

Boycott Provision of the Internal Revenue Code 26, USC Sec. 999

Department of Treasury Guidelines Concerning International Boycotts

Boycott Guidelines
43 FR 3454
44 FR 66272
49 FR 18061
52 FR 2511

Information Concerning Treasury Guidelines:

Office of the General Counsel
Room 2015
Washington, DC 20220
(202) 622-1945

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