High School Students

At the Scotland Institute, we recognise how important it is for high school students interested in Science and Maths subjects to find out more about STEM careers and about the work we do. We therefore offer a number of opportunities for them to visit our labs. These include:

  • Our Open Evening each March, where we invite local schools (teachers and pupils) to visit the Institute for a series of talks, lab tours and demonstrations;
  • Our annual 'Work Experience Week', for high school students who are 16 or older to spend time in our labs, shadowing and observing our researchers and doing some 'hands on' activities at the bench. In 2024, this event will be held in person for 3 days from 10th to 12th September;
  • Occasional shadowing opportunities for one or two local high school students at a time.

Obviously, the Institute is a very busy working environment but we do try to accommodate as many of these visits as we can, in very large part thanks to the willingness of our researchers to volunteer their time and expertise. Our researchers also often visit local schools to talk about careers in science and about cancer research.

For all enquiries about these opportunities, please contact Rebecca Sharland (R.Sharland@crukscotlandinstitute.ac.uk).