
I Got The S*** Kicked Out Of Me In The WSOP Main Event

I woke up Saturday morning super excited to play in my 9th World Series of Poker Main Event. I had momentum going in off my 93rd place ($4850) finish out of 19.400 players in the WSOP $400 Colossus tourney and the vibes were high.

And then the poker tournament started.....

Everything that could go wrong went wrong and I did not even make the freaking dinner break! 

Let's take a look back and see where it all went wrong.....

I sat down to what I thought was a fairly good table draw with recreational players and a Harrah's New Orleans reg. The open seats later filled with a couple of good players.

There were 5 key hands that tore me up. I will try to keep this simple of the non-poker fans.

1) I called a raise with 85 in the big blind. The flop came A85 two clubs. I check called the flop, turn 4. Check called turn. River was an awful 4 that counterfeited my two pair because an Ace now beats me. I check folded to a 5k bet.

2) Called a min button raise after a small blind call with 73 spades in big blind. Q8Q two spade flop, check around. Turn the beautiful 4 of spades. I bet out 1800 and the button called. I was sure he was going to call a big river bet then a 3rd damn Queen came counterfeiting my flush as a full house now beat me. I checked, he bet 5k and I folded the flush face up. He showed JJ.

3) I raised KQ and got two calls. Flop AQ4 two hearts. Check around. Turn K of hearts bringing flush. Check around. River a 4th heart and I check called a small bet to lose to J8 of Hearts. Real bad call here that was a mistake.

4) Raise QQ out of early position. One call behind me. Flop 956 two Diamonds, I bet 1200 and get called. Turn Ace goes check check. River 9 I check called a 3k bet and lost to to AJ of Diamonds.

5) My Bust Hand.

Aggressive player opens 1000, Harrah's Nola regular makes it 2800 behind him. Small Blind calls 2800, I wake up with JJ in big blind. I thought about it for a minute then decided to shove my last 20,000 chips to try to pick up the 7600 chips in the pot as I thought the Nola reg was capable of re-raising lighter against an aggressive open. 

Well it turns out the Nola reg was not folding KK and I got KOed early. I was less than thrilled to put it mildly as this was only the second time I have busted on Day 1. 

I felt awful because Big Cat bought 10% of me too and I wanted to make a big run for him having my back. It is what it is.....

Overall in Vegas I played 4 tournaments and 1 WSOP Main Satellite cashing 1 of the 5 events. I missed the $$$$ by 25 spots in the Orleans $600 and the Money Maker Tour $1700 at MGM. 


I absolutely HATE how it ended but I am still encouraged about my live poker game as I have made a bunch of runs the last 8 months. Just gotta close one of these damn things soon!

Good luck to Barstool Nate on Day 3 today! One man has to carry the torch for us and I sincerely hope he makes a deep run!