
Watch This When You're High - The Very Mysterious Skinwalker Ranch

There's no better name for such a creepy, mysterious, and paranormal laden farm than "Skinwalker Ranch". 

People say they've seen UFOs, strange lights in the sky, and even encountered weird creatures there. It's like a hotspot for all things paranormal.

The name "Skinwalker" comes from a Navajo legend about witches who can transform into animals. The ranch got this name because locals believe these supernatural beings roam the area. Over the years, researchers and curious folks have tried to investigate what's going on there, but there's still no clear answer. It's become a mix of local legend, science fiction, and real-life spooky stories. 

When the Sherman family bought the ranch in the 1990s, they reported several bizarre incidents-

Shortly after moving in, the Shermans encountered a large, friendly wolf. However, when it suddenly attacked a calf, it was impervious to gunshots, eventually walking away unharmed. Many of their cattle also vanished without a trace, and some were found mutilated in ways that defied explanation. The family often saw bright, colorful lights in the sky and on the ground, behaving in ways that didn't match any known technology.

UFO sightings are extremely common, but some have also seen large, silent black triangular crafts moving across the sky, sometimes at incredibly high speeds. 

There is also claims of highly volatile poltergeist activity taking place on the ranch's property.

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There have been reports of objects moving on their own, mysterious voices, and even unseen forces physically interacting with people. People have described tools and other objects disappearing and reappearing in different locations. 

There's also some really wild tales of sightings of the legendary Navajo "skinwalkers", which are described as shapeshifting witches that can turn into animals. Witnesses have described seeing large, unidentified creatures, some resembling Bigfoot or other cryptids. 


Oh, and witnesses have also claimed to have seen wormholes or portals open up on the ranch. 

Some researchers and visitors have reported seeing what look like portals or doorways opening in the sky, with strange objects or lights emerging from them. There are tales of people feeling like they've stepped into a different reality, with the landscape around them changing inexplicably.

I have no idea why anybody would ever want to own a place like this, unless you were the guy Josh Brolin plays in Outer Range (on Amazon Prime)(very underrated show). Just one of those kinds of unexplainable phenomena would be too much for the average person to put up with. Imagine all of that shit compounded? There is some wacky shit going on in this place.

Send over some suggestions. Keep them classy. No butt stuff.