
Watching This Video Of A Soccer Field In Illinois Get Swallowed By A Sinkhole Is The Thing Nightmares Are Made Of

AP News - ALTON, Ill. (AP) — A giant sinkhole has swallowed the center of a soccer complex that was built over an operating limestone mine in southern Illinois, taking down a large light pole and leaving a gaping chasm where squads of kids often play. But no injuries were reported after the sinkhole opened Wednesday morning.

“No one was on the field at the time and no one was hurt, and that’s the most important thing,” Alton Mayor David Goins told The (Alton) Telegraph.

Security video that captured the hole’s sudden formation shows a soccer field light pole disappearing into the ground, along with benches and artificial turf at the city’s Gordon Moore Park.

The hole is estimated to be at least 100 feet (30.5 meters) wide and up to 50 feet (15.2 meters) deep, said Michael Haynes, the city’s parks and recreation director.

So I guess that's what happens when you build soccer fields on top of old abandoned mines? Yikes man. 

Looks like when Bane just left the stadium and Big Ben, Heinz Ward and the boys were about to kickoff. And things just went kaboom.

Thank God nobody was on the fields playing when this happened and tragedy was avoided. But I guess all that limestone we use for everything has to come from somewhere right? One of the cool parts about flying back to Chicago from down south or the west coast is flying over all the quarries outside the city and seeing how freaking far down they dug to get all that stone out. Some of them are insanely deep. Almost as deep as your mother. OHHHHH