
Gray Television is a television broadcast company headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. Gray is the largest owner of top-rated local television stations and digital assets in the United States (“U.S.”). Gray currently owns and/or operates television stations and leading digital properties in 113 television markets that collectively reach approximately 36% of U.S. television households. During 2020, Gray’s stations were ranked first in 70 markets, and ranked first and/or second in 86 markets, as calculated by Comscore’s audience measurement service. Gray also owns video program production, marketing, and digital businesses including Raycom Sports, Tupelo Honey, and RTM Studios, the producer of PowerNation programs and content, and is the majority owner of Swirl Films.

Organizations interested in receiving our job postings are encouraged to contact us at phx-hr@gray.tv.

Gray COVID Policy

At Gray Television, we strive to make the health and safety of our employees our highest priority. When the coronavirus pandemic arrived in March 2020, Gray Television quickly instituted a wide range of policies and protocols to protect our employees physically and financially, and we continually refined them as more issues arose and as the science developed.

In early March 2020, we directed employees to work from home to the maximum extent possible, and we invested heavily in new technology to make that option widely available. We soon assured all employees that we would NOT institute any layoffs, furloughs, benefit cuts, or benefit delays throughout the pandemic. We provided paid time off for mandatory quarantines, and we covered health insurance copays related to Covid-19. We provided employees and each work location with significant quantities of masks, sanitizer, cleaning supplies and other items to help support their safety. Overall, we made sure to follow CDC guidelines in our policies and procedures, which often required that we modify how we operated as those guidelines evolved.

Gray Television has set the bar again with new policies for our employees that are meant to provide the safest possible workplace. Effective September 1, 2021, all new full-time and part-time hires must be “fully vaccinated” against the coronavirus (as defined by the CDC). This full vaccination policy will extend to all of our managers effective September 15, 2021, and to all other employees, as well as all outside contractors, tenants, and guests who enter our workspaces, on October 1, 2021. We will make accommodations for employees with medical or religious needs.