Xander Bogaerts on OMF: Shoulder ‘close to 100%,’ should be ready for opening day

Xander Bogaerts’ spring training has gotten off to a slow start, as the Red Sox shortstop was shut down last week due to shoulder soreness.

According to Bogaerts, though, no one should be worried. He joined Ordway, Merloni and Fauria and said his shoulder already feels much better and that he should be good to go for opening day on April 1.

“Yeah, I think I will be ready by opening day, barring any other weird injuries that might come up or something,” Bogaerts said. “You never know. But as of now, yeah, I’ll be ready for opening day. My shoulder feels, I think, pretty close to 100 percent.

“It’s just trying to get that strength back in it -- just strength, mobility, and making sure this doesn’t happen again. It’s been a great rehab so far. The training staff, they’ve been getting me back in good shape.”

Bogaerts, now 28, is entering his ninth season with the Red Sox, making him the longest-tenured member of the team. He led the team with an .867 OPS last season and tied for the team lead in home runs with 11 in 56 games.

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