Lounge random thoughts/stories thread -- CURRENT


Ars Legatus Legionis

Tom Foolery

Ars Legatus Legionis
I work in a field that these people are convinced is either not real or is integral to the “conspiracy”.
I’ve never met a flattist in person, but I’m curious how they’d respond when I tell them what I do for a living.
I had a flat-earther who worked on a team that I lead, a few years back. He was also a Vegan, so who knows what other nonsense he held in that brain of his. Didn't get in the way of his duties of care and feeding (and patching!) servers for our client, so I let it slide. For those of you tracking, yes, this is our Vegan friend from the discussion as to what a host's duties are. I tried to avoid conversations with him, as without prying I learned that he was a) Vegan, b) a flat-earther, and c) was very into cryptocurrency, specifically the Dash coin? Didn't want him to tell me more, as I was likely to form an unfavorable opinion about him at some point. ;)


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
I had a flat-earther who worked on a team that I lead, a few years back. He was also a Vegan, so who knows what other nonsense he held in that brain of his. Didn't get in the way of his duties of care and feeding (and patching!) servers for our client, so I let it slide. For those of you tracking, yes, this is our Vegan friend from the discussion as to what a host's duties are. I tried to avoid conversations with him, as without prying I learned that he was a) Vegan, b) a flat-earther, and c) was very into cryptocurrency, specifically the Dash coin? Didn't want him to tell me more, as I was likely to form an unfavorable opinion about him at some point. ;)

He was from Vega,? Is Vega flat, too?


Ars Legatus Legionis
Watching a video of a flat earther being totally debunked and i still lost some brain cells.
So...I was warned. I don't know why I actually watched that through until then end.

And then there was this

They make for a nice couple, don't they.

Didn't quite make up for the horrifying attempt, I'll let you guess who, to justify their belief.


Ars Legatus Legionis
I only capitalize "Vegan" when the folks involved treat it like the one true faith. Like Libertarians vs. libertarians, one sect is tolerable and one is not.
Yeah, I know those types. There's vegans that are, this is just what I do, perhaps here are some reasons if asked. And then there are the Vegans, and it's the One Right Way, and everyone else is Damned. And Their Way to Veganism. Usually combined with Raw somewhere in there.

And how is it that nobody else who isn't vegan won't like vegan food? Good food is good food. Just a LOT of American's (I'll even go most Westerners) don't know how to cook vegan well. And so a lot of it, especially in America, for decades was mostly not that good.


Ars Legatus Legionis
He was from Vega,? Is Vega flat, too?
of course not, it's also a donut shape

I only capitalize "Vegan" when the folks involved treat it like the one true faith. Like Libertarians vs. libertarians, one sect is tolerable and one is not.
yeah, some can be a little strict on the no talking policy, but most are just there for their love of books.
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Ars Legatus Legionis
Her cephalthorax glistened
Like the shards of glass
After the constructor fleet
Destroyed a planet - Vogon Shakespeare
Shall I compare thee to a Hyperspace Bypass
Thou art more slimy and more temporal:
Spacial eddies do shake the buddings of Vogorol,
And Xongar's grease hath all too Jart a spate;
Sometime too hot the eye of Vorlon glistens,
And often is his mauve complexion grimm'd;
And every square from square sometime declines,
By wince or fracture’s changing joint unhinged;
But thy infernal bummer shall not wade,
Nor lose concession of that fare thou ow’st;
Nor shall death frag thou blunder’st in his blade,
When in infernal mimes to grime thou glow’st:
So long as Vogons can squeeze or eyes can bleed,
So long lives this, and this gives strife to greed.


Ars Legatus Legionis
It's been a long time since I was around a nine year old. Dizzying.

I eventually settled on a strategy of waiting for her to eat or drink and then just firing back. "Yes, it's still possible to get the flu in summer, but less likely because people aren't closed up inside as much, that white car was a Volvo and the red one was a Dodge, not every adult is a parent, some people have Android phones that are made by different companies besides Apple, usually red drinks are cherry or a mix of flavors called 'fruit punch', no you really shouldn't add sugar to that, they are called Dodge because that was the last name of the brothers that started the company..."

I wanted to say something like "It's polite to wait for an answer when you ask someone a question" but I couldn't think of a way to not make it sound like a fuddy-duddy or bully.


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
Yeah, I know those types. There's vegans that are, this is just what I do, perhaps here are some reasons if asked. And then there are the Vegans, and it's the One Right Way, and everyone else is Damned. And Their Way to Veganism. Usually combined with Raw somewhere in there.

And how is it that nobody else who isn't vegan won't like vegan food? Good food is good food. Just a LOT of American's (I'll even go most Westerners) don't know how to cook vegan well. And so a lot of it, especially in America, for decades was mostly not that good.
My wife and I have been introducing vegan meals into our recipe rotation and I'm surprised how good they can be! We still eat meat. This is more of 50-60% of our meals are vegan, vs 0-10%.
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Ars Legatus Legionis
What are your three favorite vegan meals?
  1. Hummus on pita with peppers, cucumber, tomatoes, radishes, etc. Sometimes with falafel.
  2. Cold sesame noodles with mixed peppers and cucumbers.
  3. Burritos with refried beans, peppers, onions and rice.
I'm probably totally forgetting something. I guess I'll just eat peppers, too.


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
What are your three favorite vegan meals?
Mushroom Bourignon (served on top of cheesy polenta, so it turns Vegetarian, not Vegan.)
Udon noodles with Mustard Greens and Shitake-Ginger sauce
Thai Red Curry with Cauliflower (I added fried tofu to get protein.)
Farro bowl with tofu, mushrooms, and Spinach.

All recipes are from the ATK "Vegan for Everybody" cookbook (maybe not the mushroom Bourignon.)


Ars Legatus Legionis
What are your three favorite vegan meals?
On that topic, I recently found one I like a lot - Pasta con Palta and it's just making a sauce out of avocados.

Basically you put the meat, err, flesh, errrr... good part from two avocados, half a cup (300g?) of nuts, 2 TBsp (30ml) of olive oil, and 2 to 12 cloves of garlic (as you like) in the food processor and whiz it up til it makes a smooth puree. It takes a little longer than I thought.

Toss some pasta in it, adding water to thin as needed and some black pepper if you like.