Tour the Haussmannian Paris Home of a Couple Who Are Deeply Inspired by Travel and History

Formative influences and years spent living elsewhere helped inform this colorful and layered abode
Image may contain Chair Furniture Home Decor Rug Toy Art Painting Indoors Interior Design Animal and Bird

One of the high notes of the interior is the seductive and irreverent collection of modern art, inherited from another family home. The couple also amassed an impressive collection of furniture from their time in the tropics, including Jeanneret office chairs and fauteuils in the salon that lend a modernist edge. “I couldn’t leave behind the Senate fauteuils, designed for Le Corbusier interiors in Chandigarh,” says the wife. The electric blue leather upholstery was cleverly mirrored by the couple by painting the fireplace a similar shade, which they also acknowledge is a nod to another favorite escape—Marrakech’s Jardin de Majorelle.

A Zanotta table, loved for the movement of its grain, has been paired with the office chairs in the dining room, a scene of enjoyably stolen evenings of entertainment for the parents of young children. “We love having dinners with friends there, the light is soft and we often put no lights at all and use only candles to give it a special atmosphere,” the wife says. She proceeds to open the doors into what must be one of the most lovely chambre d’enfant in all Paris, with its riot of wall coverings and vast gilded mirror over a classical fireplace. Below the streets of Paris may bustle, but this sanctuary is a fittingly peaceful testament to a shared vision and thoroughly modern love of color.