
Adnan Rehmat

Adnan Rehmat is a Pakistan-based journalist, researcher and analyst with interests in politics, media, development and science.

Twitter: @adnanrehmat1

Latest published

For Pakistan, remittances vs. brain drain reveals broken mass exodus narrative

The number of overseas Pakistanis – those having either permanently migrated or out of the country temporarily for work – recently crossed the astonishing landmark of 10 million. For comparison’s sake – over 120 individual countries of the world have populations less than this number!

July 05, 2024

The answer to South Asia’s political disillusionment is to think local

Even if it may not seem so, winning is the easy part for successful parties in countries that undergo periodic electoral exercises to win political mandates from the public for governance. Translating these mandates from projected progress to actual socioeconomic development is harder.

March 18, 2024

Will democracy in South Asia- or anywhere- survive 2024?

This is the global year of elections like few others in recent memory. Over 60 countries, including Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka in South Asia, will hold national polls and elect new governments in 2024 – an average of more than one per week!

January 16, 2024