

Chris Doyle

Chris Doyle is director of the London-based Council for Arab-British Understanding (CAABU). He has worked with the council since 1993 after graduating with a first class honors degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies at Exeter University. He has organized and accompanied numerous British parliamentary delegations to Arab countries.

Twitter: @Doylech

Latest published

Key states now have a duty to act on Israel’s occupation

Another pinch yourself moment. Palestinians and those who support their rights have despaired of international institutions watering down the legal rights to which they are entitled. Last week, however, the International Court of Justice did not blink. It delivered.

July 22, 2024

Hard work starts here for new UK PM Starmer

For a British political system that has been characterized for a decade by dysfunction and instability, last week’s general election had an almost stultifying degree of predictability.

July 08, 2024

US should recalibrate its relationship with Israel

Among the slew of myths that bedevil the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is that the US-Israel relationship is predicated on Israel being a loyal ally — a reliable partner that has a shared value system.

June 24, 2024

Disease and starvation a growing threat in Gaza

With almost 40,000 Palestinian deaths in Gaza since October, one has to wonder how many more will be added to this monstrous figure. As shocking as it already is, it will get much, much worse.

June 18, 2024

Why were Western leaders silent on Jerusalem’s hate march?

An event last week exemplified the chronic levels of anti-Arab racism, Israeli exceptionalism and Western double standards that have dominated the last eight months. The issue involves marches and protests.

June 10, 2024

How Israel’s war on Gaza could impact UK election

How will the Israel-Gaza crisis play out in the July 4 general election in the UK? It will be a factor, as it has been in recent by-elections and local elections. But to what extent?

June 03, 2024

‘Change’ on the cards for UK as Sunak calls July election

The owner of a luxury apartment in Santa Monica, California, may soon be paying it a rare visit come July. This is the view of many British observers after the dramatic decision of this owner, who happens to be British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, to call a general election for July 4.

May 27, 2024