Member advocacy

As a member of the APWCA, you have representation on the front lines protecting your interests and the interests of your patients. APWCA representatives keep up with payer and government regulations and proposals and provide feedback to these entities that protect wound care providers and their patients. For example, your APWCA leaders review the Proposed Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, DME/ESRD Fee Schedule. and OPPS/ASC Fee Schedules every year, looking for proposals that could impact wound care providers and their patients, and then provide appropriate feedback. The APWCA is also a member of the Alliance of Wound Care Stakeholders, a multidisciplinary trade association of medical specialty societies and clinical associations whose mission is to promote quality care and access to products and services for people with wounds. The APWCA often collaborates with the Alliance of Wound Care Stakeholders to advocate for our members. In many cases, the protections afforded by the APWCA advocacy work more than pay for the cost of your membership!

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