National Wildlife Research Center

Last Modified: July 19, 2024

The National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC) is the research unit of the USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services program. Our scientists and support staff are dedicated to finding solutions to challenging wildlife damage management problems related to agriculture, natural resources, property, and human health and safety.

Human-wildlife conflicts, wildlife damage, nuisance and pest animals, wildlife disease, invasive species, overabundant wildlife, and overall ecosystem health are just some of the topics studied by researchers at the National Wildlife Research Center.


NWRC is the Federal institution devoted to resolving problems caused by the interaction of wild animals and society. The Center applies scientific expertise to develop practical methods to resolve these problems and maintain the quality of the environments shared with wildlife.

Scientists at NWRC's field stations conduct extensive field studies to generate solutions to a range of wildlife issues that impact agriculture, natural resources, and human health and safety.

NWRC researchers are dedicated to finding biologically sound, practical, and effective solutions for resolving wildlife damage management issues.

NWRC employs scientists, technicians, and support personnel with expertise in a variety of scientific disciplines.  Together, these experts develop new tools and techniques to resolve human-wildlife conflicts.

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Research Spotlight

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is spread by infectious prions shed through bodily fluids, such as feces, urine, blood, and saliva. These prions may remain infectious in the environment for years. CWD not only spreads when deer or other cervids come in close contact with each other, but also indirectly from the environment during feeding or other activities in shared spaces. One likely pathway of indirect CWD transmission in white-tailed deer is through their scraping behavior. 

Contact Us

National Wildlife Research Center

4101 LaPorte Ave.

Fort Collins, CO
