Caregiver Guide

Help Understanding Caregiving

Are you a caregiver or soon to be one? It's an important and often underappreciated role that can be overwhelming. This collection of articles will give you tips for caring for your loved one and yourself.

The Role Of The Caregiver

You need patience and empathy to succeed as a caregiver, but not necessarily medical experience. The best way you can help your loved one is by responding to their needs. Those needs may not always be health-related.

Create A Care Plan For A Loved One

It’s a good idea to develop a care plan to keep your caregiving tasks organized. Use the plan to prevent lapses in care and help reduce the stress and uncertainty that sometimes occur when tending to a loved one full-time.


Tips For Managing Caregiver Stress

You can manage stress effectively as a caregiver. It starts with identifying the root causes of your anxiety and other triggers, and then trying different things to ease those stressful moments.


Stay Social As A Caregiver

You can manage stress effectively as a caregiver. It starts with identifying the root causes of your anxiety and other triggers, and then trying different things to ease those stressful moments.


Balance A Career And Caregiver Responsibilities

Find the right balance between caregiving duties and your job. Working with your employer and connecting with a network of helpers will help you avoid juggling work and caregiving commitments.


Connect With Caregiver Support And Resources

Find help from organizations and support groups focused on caregiving. Share experiences with others and receive personal support. Your caregiver community can also introduce you to funding that can help you financially as a caregiver.

Tips For Caregivers

Learn quick ways to make your daily responsibilities as a caregiver more manageable.



How To Adjust To Becoming A Caregiver

Your life changes when you become a full-time caregiver. Your loved one’s life does, too. Use these coping skills to manage the challenges to come.

Organize Your Daily Tasks As A Caregiver

Manage daily tasks using a step-by-step plan that includes recordkeeping and scheduling. It will make the caregiving experience easier.

Your Emotional Well-Being As A Caregiver

Your experience as a caregiver can cause a range of emotions. Take time to understand your emotional challenges and try the many positive ways to find peace of mind.

Balance Family Life And Caregiver Responsibilities

You can manage stress effectively as a caregiver. It starts with identifying the root causes of your anxiety and other triggers, and then trying different things to ease those stressful moments.

How To Cope With A Loved One’s Behavior And Health Changes

As a caregiver, you might witness the change in a loved one’s behavior and health as time goes on. The transformation sometimes requires adjustments to how you care for them. You also have to come to terms with your own emotions as their well-being changes.

How To Manage Health Insurance As A Caregiver

You might need to do more than provide everyday physical care. Sometimes you have to step in to manage personal affairs such as health insurance, too.


Find The Right Plan For You or Your Loved One

Compare health insurance plans and find one that fits your needs.

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