Recruitment Solutions

Save time and improve applicant quality

Advance Media New York has partnered with The Job Network to reach active and passive talent on the largest recruitment ad network in North America. With more than 2,000 sites, (across national, niche and local job boards), our clients can hire faster, smarter and for less cost with programmatic job postings that do it all.

 With Real-time Job Matching™, companies have the ability to:

  • Post unlimited job descriptions, and company information.
  • Reach active and passive candidates through social media, email and resume matching programs.
  • Invite diverse candidates, and college/entry level candidates to apply.
  • Brand their company and jobs in the Featured Employer and Featured Jobs sections.
  • Receive resume candidate matches right in their account (no more searching through resume databases).

Digital recruitment solutions

Our digital tools help you track down the talent you need – on our jobs page, on, and across the web – anywhere in the U.S.: Recruitment Solutions - Albany, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo NY

  • Targeted digital ads and content (articles, videos, infographics, etc) find both active and passive job seekers online.
  • Paid Search (Pay-per-click) SEM and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies build your company’s recruitment marketing plan.
  • Email Marketing campaigns target prospective employees.
  • Social Media Recruitment campaigns connect and engage users of Facebook/Instagram, and Twitter.

Print recruitment solutions

Our print programs feature display advertising opportunities in The Post-Standard careers section. Nielsen lists The Post-Standard as one of the top ten, best read newspapers in America, based on market penetration.

Local, Regional, National, and Global Reach

Companies can rely on our expertise to reach candidates in any or every part of Upstate New York: Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Utica, Albany, the North Country or the Southern Tier. Recruiters seeking job seekers across the country or around the world can take advantage of our experience managing digital marketing tools custom built for advertisers in hundreds of different industries.


An insurance agency offers an insurance service for interpreters. Working with the agency, an interpreter audience was identified and a series of emails, promoting the interpreter insurance was deployed. Over 15,000 emails were sent to this very niche audience, allowing the agency to promote a section of their business which was otherwise difficult to reach.

To learn more about our recruitment solutions, contact a digital marketing consultant today.