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This essay explores the bodily nature of Michel Foucault’s heterotopias as a means of delving into the complexities of access to and representation in museums today. Informed by contemporary debates around postcoloniality and museum... more
Due to the obviousness and multidimensionality of its nature, theatre can be viewed as a pedagogical place. In such a context, the concept of a travelling theatre , on the example of FairyBus, gains particular significance and allows, in... more
El artículo ofrece una reflexión acerca del lugar y las modalidades de la práctica docente en contextos de formación. La intención es articular notas de índole crítica que puedan abrirnos a otras acciones en los trayectos de formación de... more
Using the theoretical frameworks of Michel Foucault and Josh Kun to theorize the space of a music festival, this paper investigates the ways in which the large-scale American music festival, as a unique audio-heterotopian space, provides... more
Using Michel Foucault’s notion of heterotopia as a guide, the purpose of this paper is to explore the implications of considering the library as place, and specifically as a place that has the “curious property of being in relation with... more
Table of Contents: Introduction - Nicolae Morar, Thomas Nail, and Daniel Smith Part I Encounters 1. Deleuze and Foucault: A Philosophical Friendship - François Dosse 2. Theatrum Philosophicum - Michel Foucault 3. Michel Foucault's Main... more
La storia di Herculine Barbin è stata spesso utilizzata come riferimento letterario colto nei romanzi1 e negli studi di genere, senza che le fosse riconosciuta una specificità a livello letterario o filosofico. La stessa critica ha spesso... more
Featuring Toni Morrison's Beloved and Myself and Marco Polo by Paul Griffiths. The following dissertation proposes the emergence of a new genre in the mid-1980s period: the New Historical novel; as uniquely defined within the broad... more
In short, this essay does for the concept of the assemblage what Deleuze and Giorgio Agamben did for Foucault in their essays on the dispositif: it extracts from a large body of work the core formal features of its operative methodology... more
Chorwacja lat osiemdziesiątych XX wieku to kontynuacja ubiegłorocznej publikacji poświęconej wcześniejszemu dziesięcioleciu. Tak jak poprzednio, znalazły się w niej teksty jednego z tomów wydawanych cyklicznie przez Zagrzebską Szkołę... more
Trepando el clóset en Bogotá: contra-historias y escrituras drag es el resultado de una investigación-creación de dos años de trabajo con colectividades drag y transformistas en el marco de las tres ediciones el encuentro “La Noche y las... more
Kentler; onları bir araya getiren politik, toplumsal ve psikolojik katmanları ile birlikte birer yerleşim alanıdır ve dolayısıyla bir mesken olarak farklı deneyimler, farklı var olma eşiklerini barındıran çeşitlilikler ortaya... more
A peer reviewed roundtable review and discussion of The Figure of the Migrant with important scholars in the field: Sandro Mezzadra, Todd May, Ladelle McWhorter, Andrew Dilts, Robin Celikates, Daniella Trimboli, and Adriana Novoa.... more
Neil Gaiman is a renowned British author of fantasy, science fiction novels, children's books and short stories. In Gaiman's works, time and space are major elements, playing a key-role in his narratives. " The intrinsic connectedness of... more
Neil Gaiman in his urban fantasy novel, Neverwhere, manipulated the history of London to construct its underground mirror city, which underlines the link amongst the past, the present and consequently, the future; in this heterotopic... more
Michel Foucault’s notion of “biopower” has been a highly fertile concept in recent theory, influencing thinkers worldwide across a variety of disciplines and concerns. In The History of Sexuality: An Introduction, Foucault famously... more
In “Of Other Spaces: Utopias and Heterotopias” Foucault asserted that while the 19th Century was an era of crisis and an accumulated past, the present epoch will perhaps be one of space. In his essay Foucault coined the term... more
This article appears in volume 8, issue 3 of the interdisciplinary journal The Quint.
Coral Reefs, throughout ages, having been the central nexus of Marine Geosciences, Oceanography, Aquaculture, Biodiversity and Ecology have surfaced as a creditable subject in the literary academe. In the wake of the 2004 phenomenal... more
Heterotopia is a physical parallel depiction of a real space. It includes contradictions, separations and reversals. This essay examines the theory of heterotopia and the sylvan setting between Milan and Verona in Two Gentlemen of Verona... more
Una vía posible para investigar Euménides está en el concepto foucaultiano de heterotopía, el que exige la consideración de la obra en tanto opsis. Esto significa que la ya citada tragedia de Esquilo es una obra escenificada, y que en su... more
This paper focuses on playfulness as expressed in the urban public space. Children’s play is often considered either as sacred or superfluous for the adults to engage with while the city doesn’t seem able to support playful behaviour... more
Ensayo sobre el libro de relatos El cuarto de loco de la autora venezolana Carolina Lozada. Una comprensión del libro a través de Historia de la locura en la época clásica y de Las palabras y las cosas de MIchel Foucault, centrándose... more
ESPACIOS DEL CONOCIMIENTO: SUJETO, VERDAD, HETEROTOPÍAS. A 30 años de la muerte de Michel Foucault. Actas VIII Escuela Chile-Francia.
Heterotope Heilsamkeit der Nicht-Orte bei Olga Grjasnowa und Christian Kracht 1. Geschlossener Schutzraum vs. heterotope Heilsamkeit In einer Vielzahl von Erzähltexten in der Literatur der ‚Übermoderne' ergibt sich die Ambivalenz des nach... more
Nwadjahane, a small village in southern Mozambique, is set apart from other settlements as the birthplace of Eduardo Mondlane, one of the nation's founding fathers. Declared a national heritage site and made into an open-air museum,... more
Öz: Michel Foucault; 19. yüzyılın tarih, 20. yüzyılın ise mekân çağı olduğunu belirtir. Bundan dolayı Foucault, toplumu çözümlerken mekâna özel bir önem vermiş; getirmiş olduğu "heterotopya" kavramı ile sosyal bilimler alanında mekâna... more
The current research is an attempt at highlighting what really happens with genres during the postmodernist period, as informed opinions related to the issue vary tremendously in angle and strength. Some critics talk about genre... more
In William Kentridge’s The refusal of time (2012), comment on time as both a scientific and a human entity is produced. A complex mix of the visual and nominal vocabularies of early ‘rudimentary’ technological invention, scientific... more
Roundtable interview with Colin Koopman, Verena Erlenbusch, Simon Ganahl, Robert W. Gehl, Thomas Nail, and Perry Zurn, on  genealogical methodology after Foucault.
Abstract Public realm, one of the concepts propounded by Jürgen Habermas and Hannah Arendt can be regarded as decentralized and anonymous communication networks on common interests which combine various disciplines of communication. This... more
Calling into context the polemics surrounding the notion of space, this paper deals with certain pertinent questions regarding digital spaces by critically engaging with the representation of hybrid realities and the subsequent... more
Crear un intersticio sagrado para nacer. Un análisis antropológico de ejercicio de la partería profesional urbana en una casa de partos en México Yaredh Marín Vázquez To create a sacred interstice to be born. An anthropological analysis... more
Serialität ist nicht nur „da draußen“ bei den „üblichen Verdächtigen“ wie Fernsehen oder Film zu finden. Sie umgibt uns — im Wohnraum, auf der Straße, im Supermarkt, im Museum, in der Stadt, von Stadt zu Stadt — sie prägt unseren Alltag... more
....plays like Funnyhouse of a Negro (1964) and the Owl Answers (1965) are part of Adrienne Kennedy’s attempt to a) stage the (im)possibilities of racial “difference” (by locating the “trace”—that is the sum of all possible relations... more