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Writing about psychological trauma, cultural history, and literary theory in the year 2011 requires conceptual precision. It seems that the field of literary and media studies is finally in the process of substantially revising a powerful... more
This paper will explore ways of dissent regarding policies of memorialization of Yugoslavia, its common past and recent wars. It will show the difficulties for the development of official memory policies that are not resulting in coherent... more
Published in: Gerhard Besier/Katarzyna Stoklosa/Andrew Wisely (Eds.): Totalitarianism and Liberty. Hannah Arendt in the 21st Century, Kraków, pp. 339-362.
The project "Erased Memory: Visual reconstruction of the Disappeared Architectural Heritage of Novi Sad" deals with the research of the architectural heritage of Novi Sad, primarily those objects that have been permanently deleted from... more
Den Schwerpunkt dieser Studie bildet die Geschichtspolitik in der geteilten Stadt Görlitz/Zgorzelec, von der Teilung der Stadt und der Aufnahme der Flüchtlinge und Aussiedler über den Görlitzer Vertrag, die Freundschaftspropaganda und die... more
The aim of this article is to present a succinct review and evaluation of the main areas of contention in the false memory debate and, from this basis, to suggest ways in which the best from both sides can be utilized. We examine the... more
Na temelju novije literature koja se bavi proučavanjem kulture sjećanja i izvora iz različitih fondova pohranjenih u Arhivu Jugoslavije u Beogradu ovaj rad želi dati prilog raspravi o socijalističkim spomenicima za vrijeme Federativne... more
Memorial and Memory Spaces as Memory Interfaces: The Case of Gallipoli Peninsula Fabrication of memory maintains its existence as one of the most prominent determinants in the making and conservation process of national identity. This... more
Historiographical research into the Italian comuni has aimed to find a common denominator behind the proliferation of the town annals and chronicles from the early 12th century onwards. The trigger has been ascribed here and there to the... more
O gejach i lesbijkach, czy szerzej o nieheteronormatywnych ofiarach zbrodni hitlerowskich milczano przez bardzo długie lata. Tematyka ta nie budziła zainteresowania publicznego. Powszechnie nazywano ich kryminalistami i kryminalistkami,... more
Pojavne forme revizionizma u bosanskohercegovačkoj historiografiji i javnom diskursu Krizni momenti, izazvani rastućim međunacionalnim tenzijama u Bosni i Hercegovini, zahtjevali su, kako ih definiše Ernst Kasirer - nove političke mitove... more
Textbooks are very important publications in any society, since they affect the youngest members of society and shape their worldviews. This is especially true for history textbooks, a powerful tool in shaping attitudes and promoting... more
The six years in which Florence was under the dominion of the Ghibellines (1260-–1266) are surprisingly devoid of written records. Later chroniclers paint a picture of a dispirited Florence whose 'Popolo' had lost all representation and... more
In our reading, we are taking into account the fact that the pop cultural hero figure is diecious by genre; it belongs to a mythic narrative as well as to a novel one, thus, the research after potentially clarifying | 169 | relations... more
Kulturni pristup studijama sećanja posebno naglašava važnost tekstualizacije i vizualizacije (kulturne medijacije) društveno deljenih sećanja na prošlost. Međutim, dok se akcenat prevashodno stavlja na pitanja zašto neke predstave o... more
Артыкул прысвечаны твору мастацтва XIX ст. – бюсту нацыянальнага героя Беларусі Тадэвуша Рэйтана. Скульптура была створаная беларускім майстрам Янам Астроўскім і захоўвалася доўгі час у палацы графаў Тышкевічаў у Лагойску. У 1918 г.... more
Università di Trento, Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia, Ciclo di seminari di Metodologia della ricerca storica: Statue abbattute e (ab)uso pubblico della memoria storica, 25.03.2021 (Part IV, Subpart 2)
The paper analyzes the attitudes of Serbian citizens towards the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, expressed during the period of gradual stabilization of the capitalist order. The analysis is based on the data collected in 2012... more
The Peace Agreement for Bosnia and Herzegovina approved at Dayton in 1995 provided for the establishment of a Commission to Preserve National Monuments. In the city of Sarajevo, the Commission designated 95 national monuments until now,... more
Tekst objavljen na portalu id=634&fbclid=IwAR1xrzH6bDIN3Et8o4tHT8uwNZAVcdi7boNZA2jrU-Sbqkp2naCrDwXJYz0 SABNOR je 1983. sastavio spisak ubijenih Srba na Garavicama iz Bihaća... more
U radu autorica piše o mjestima sjećanja koja se u Hrvatskoj povezuju s Prvim svjetskim ratom. Autorica utvrđuje da se do obilježavanja stogodišnjice Prvoga svjetskog rata (2014.-2018.), kultura sjećanja na Prvi svjetski rat u Hrvatskoj... more
У овом раду се анализирају поједине карактеристике идентитета Новог Сада као специфичне мултиконфесионалне и мултинационалне средине, у контексту комеморације и декомеморације, односно рефлексија званичне културе сећања у јавном простору.... more
Commemorating the Fallen for Friendship and Encouragement : The Commemoration of Fallen Soldiers in the Military Culture in the Baltic Sea region 1919-1939
Am 26. Mai 2020 wurde der Afro-Amerikaner George Floyd in der Innenstadt von Minneapolis während einer polizeilichen Festnahme getötet. ... Im Ergebnis der weltweiten Proteste sind ein knappes Jahr nach George Floyds Tod hunderte von... more
U radu se analiziraju stavovi građana Srbije prema Socijalističkoj Federativnoj Republici Jugoslaviji, iskazani u periodu postepene stabilizacije kapitalističkog poretka. Analiza se temelji na podacima prikupljenim 2012. godine na... more
Naučni skup "Prijelomne godine bosanskohercegovačke prošlosti", Institut za historiju Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine (ANUBiH), Sarajevo, 2019. Scientific Conference "Pivotal years of... more
"Leto 2020 je nedvomno leto številnih pomembnih obletnic sodobne in polpretekle zgodovine..." – uvodni članek v zbornik "Erinnerungskulturen im Grenzraum – Spominske kulture na obmejnem območju", objavljen oktobra 2020 v celovški... more
Die Erinnerungskultur in Südtirol – ein Gastbeitrag. Rede anlässlich der Lesung mit Zeitzeugen im Stadttheater Bozen (7. Mai 2015).