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During the past two decades the visitation rates of United States museums has been declining. There are three main museums in the United States: Art museums, Natural History museums, and Science museums. All three of these categories... more
Consumer behaviour in the field of art museums appears to be influenced both by the identity of the public and the art museum and by the context. It is a matter not of changing museum content, but of bringing its identity closer to that... more
״ככל שננעץ ׳נמרוד׳ עמוק ויציב יותר אל הכן במוזיאון ישראל כנציג אופייני של הישראליות התרבותית וההיסטורית-מודרנית, כך רבו מתנגדיו; מימין ומשמאל, דתיים וחילונים בשורה של מאמרים שתקפו היבטים שונים בדמותו הפיסולית". דליה מנור על תהליך הפיכתו... more
Art museum professionals are required to 'believe in art' in order to do their jobs. Sustaining this belief in art is an essential component of what secures the 'art-museumness' of art museums. Art museums may have evolved and diversified... more
Cultural organisations have transitioned to become highly entrepreneurial, as they have the need to be not only cultural but also creative. This thesis presents and analyses the Museum of Contempo- rary Art Australia as an... more
Within the current context of privatisation and commercialisation, there is a group of European institutions – all part of a confederation called L’Internationale – which are actively trying to rethink the role of the art museum as a... more
The changing relationship between museums and their audience has required a transformation in the museum spaces. Interactive exhibition spaces have boosted this transformation in many museums. Today, there is a growing interest for... more
Διπλωματική εργασία που υποβλήθηκε προς μερική εκπλήρωση των απαιτήσεων για την απόκτηση MSc του Προγράμματος Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών «Πολιτιστική Διαχείριση» Τμήματος Επικοινωνίας, Μέσων & Πολιτισμού Παντείου Πανεπιστημίου Πολιτικών &... more
Art museums offer unique aesthetic, contextual, and social settings for exploration and human understanding (Levent & Pasqual-Leone, 2014; Ritchhart, 2007). Seeking to build field-wide knowledge about the potential of art museums as... more
In October of 2015, Johns Hopkins University ( JHU) Museum Studies Program convened a group of cultural heritage professionals to discuss digital curation, its integration into the art museum community, and the role the JHU Program in... more
 El presente artículo de reflexión desarrolla, con una mirada pautada fuertemente por la vivencia directa del espacio y la intención de generar un discurso textual y visual equilibrado, una profundización en las lógicas... more
This dissertation offers an analysis of how art museums perceive the value of vernacular photography in relationship to their own responsibilities as education institutions. As museums aim to celebrate and publicize vernacular... more
It is clear that art institutions are constantly changing, and in the past few years quite radically. Museums are now becoming places of direct engagement with artworks and artists and not just for contemplation. Some institutions have... more
Together with the adoption of modern museology, object-oriented approach gave place to the audience-driven approach. Audience-oriented approach, has led to changes in and around the museum, besides applications and activities which... more
In recent years, formal education has undergone major changes as a result of several factors. The most important factor is secondary students’ regular use of technological devices and the key role played by the image. However, even though... more
43 изкуствоведи-43 художници (43 art historians-43 artists) Куратор Мария Василева (Curator Maria Vassileva)
First published as: Opper, A. 2021. Open House. In Charlton, J, Cohen, L, Leyde, Leigh, Mokgojwa, K, Nettleton, A and Rankin-Smith, F. Seen, Heard and Valued: WAM celebrates 40 Years of the Standard Bank African Art Collection: 248-253.... more
Estonia's most outstanding collection of ecclesiastical art from the Medieval and Early Modern periods is exhibited at the Niguliste Museum, a branch of the Art Museum of Estonia. With rich pictorial material, this over 100-page book... more
This paper is about art museums’ publicness, which is a hot topic not only on museums’ agenda, but also on the agenda of the cities that follow culture-oriented development since the 1990s. Art museums that this paper is concentrated on,... more
How to organize an exhibition to be accessible for all people and how to provide education in museums using exhibition design tools? After industrialization today, for museums, audiences are more important than before. Museums that... more
A formação da coleção de Serralves é o tema deste artigo, analisado na ótica do contexto colecionístico institucional português e internacional. O Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Fundação de Serralves constitui um dos projetos culturais... more
Guest lecture in Michelangelo Sabatino's Architectural History course at the Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture, University of Houston.
Size şu ana kadar gezdiğiniz tüm sanat müzelerinin ortak özelliğini sorsam ilk cevabınız “beyaz duvarlar” olabilir. Benim de hafızamda canlanan görüntü aydınlatmadan dağılan eşit ışık sayesinde kendini iyice ortaya çıkartan beyaz duvarlar... more
Desde a virada do milênio, a assimilação de performances de arte contemporânea em museus brasileiros tem sido cada vez mais frequente. Em contracorrente, grande parte dessas instituições ainda utilizam métodos de documentação de obras de... more
This paper focused on growth and sustainability within art collections at seven art-collecting institutions of the Pacific Northwest. This topic is crucial to the future collecting plans of art-collecting institutions. The goals of this... more
Espacios para el arte. El mercado del arte se ha desplomado después de una década de cifras astronómicas. Pero la necesidad de espacio para el arte sigue creciendo. Estados, ciudades, museos y coleccionistas continúan levantando edificios... more
Presentation of book American Art Museum Architecture: Documents and Design, New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2010 to the Houston Chapter of the American Institute of Architects.
This thesis examines the relationship between contemporary craft practice and human sensory experience in order to emphasize the necessity for multisensory learning and engagement in the museum. This relationship is examined from three... more
espanolEste texto se inscribe en mi propia investigacion de tesis doctoral, que versa sobre el ambito educativo de los museos de arte espanoles desde una perspectiva de genero. Se presenta aqui la construccion de un aparto metodologico... more
This manuscript describes a semester-long engagement by members of a graduate course cohort to reckon with individual and collective understandings of contemporary art museum practices, the roots of which are deeply entrenched in... more
Art exhibitions have started transgressing from ‘white cube’ spaces to ‘alternative spaces’. Biennale, an event is aiming at bringing the art in conversations with the city and people. With the idea of making art more accessible to... more
O artigo tem por objetivo discutir a curadoria compartilhada de indígenas na construção da exposição “Dja Guata Porã: Rio de Janeiro Indígena”, realizada no Museu de Arte do Rio (MAR) entre os meses de maio de 2017 a março de 2018. Seus... more
Exhibition at the Sofia City Art Gallery from the museum collection, curated by Boyan Manchev, philospher, March 1-April 3, 2011 in the frames of The Other Eye Project, an innitiative of Maria Vassileva
Like the researches in many other fields major part of visual-arts-researches also depends greatly on such memory institutions as libraries and the archives. Besides these there are two other institutions of great importance – the art... more
Abstract Mainstream cultural institutions such as museums are increasingly called upon to increase their accessibility to culturally diverse communities and audiences, including migrant groups who do not generally visit museums.
Η δωρεά 184 έργων του Κωνσταντίνου Ξενάκη στην πόλη των Σερρών δημιουργεί την πρώτη Πινακοθήκη στην Ελλάδα αφιερωμένη στο συνολικό έργο του καλλιτέχνη. "Με το βλέμμα του Κωνσταντίνου Ξενακη" της Ερης Βαρδάκη. Μία πινακοθήκη αφιερωμένη... more
Resumen: Actualmente, los museos se sirven de la tecnología para conseguir sus objetivos y, así, han surgido iniciativas tecnológicas que, entre otras, auxilian los montajes de exposiciones, la didáctica y difusión o la gestión de la... more
Abstract: In the summer of 2018, Beyoncé and Jay-Z released the video for their song “APESHIT,” filmed almost entirely in the galleries of the Museé du Louvre in Paris, France. In this paper, the authors analyze the “APESHIT” music video... more
Dulwich OnView (DOV) is an on-line blog magazine associated with the Dulwich Picture Gallery (DPG) in south London. Uniquely, it has been set up by some Friends of DPG in the local community, with a symbiotic relationship between that... more