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This essay investigates the historical moment when the first modern art ‘isms’ became ‘classic’, a phenomenon reflected in the Oskar Reinhart Collection, and later in the E. G. Bührle, Duncan Phillips and Chester Dale art collections,... more
TOOLS FOR THE FUTURE Workshop 3 The Formation and Development of New Art Markets Art in Emerging Markets: The Case of India India’s art market is not new (as there is a long tradition of collecting), but certainly an emerging one: Art... more
This op-ed style essay examines the wildly exaggerated claims made for Non-Fungible Tokens or NFT artworks. Above all, it questions the NFT's peculiar reversal of digital media's inherent interchangeability by turning back to the... more
Cet ouvrage rassemble une grande part des contributions réalisées dans le cadre des quatre premiers symposiums d’Histoire de l’Art de la mairie du 11 : Artistes des Lumières (26 février 2015), Chefs-d’œuvre des artistes et maîtres... more
Apart from a few notable exceptions, British painters from the late Victorian and Edwardian periods have suffered from the modernist historiography which deemed it parochial and unworthy of study. Recent developments in art history have... more
Artists and art communities are essential to the cultural life of cities. In New York City, artists have created networks of artist-run galleries in unlikely spaces that are outside the corporate gallery system. Sociologist Mary Kosut... more
This conference paper proposes a new type of art investment platform. The unified decentralized platform aims to solve the problem of collapse and stagnation on the art market, art investment, and creative industry in general. The project... more
Tintoretto found creative ways to advance his career by tapping into new markets and advertising his skills. This paper looks at how he expanded production as prices for paintings failed to match the steep rise in food prices in the... more
Art Cologne was the first Contemporary Art Fair (CAF), Art Basel is the leading art fair globally, but todays Global Art Fair (GAF) model was invented by ARCOmadrid in beginning and mid 90s turning the art fair into an 'experience'... more
Where could St. Petersburgers see and learn about works of art in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries? Most scholarly literature about this period dwells on the absence of art on public view in Russia's capital, relieved only by... more
Le 9 mai 1928 à l’hôtel Drouot, André Breton assiste à la vente de la collection du peintre et écrivain allemand Walter Bondy et achète 1 120 francs une statuette en bois sculpté représentant une divinité à long bec, la tête surmontée... more
While there are a variety of approaches to examining the valuation of digital media art, I limit my discussion to its economic valuation within the context of Western capitalist economies. In this paper, I argue that the dematerialized... more
This survey aims to assess the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the contemporary art markets in Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Colombia.
Art and entrepreneurship, individually, are not new area of investigation, but are far from constituting consolidated topic 'Artrepreneurship', especially in start-up India and Skill India. Despite the perceptible similarities in... more
A short reflection on the economies of collecting and institutional development at major art institutions, and the political underpinnings of what it means to collect in personal and institutional levels.
CIGE-2009中艺博国际画廊博览会 China International Gallery Exposition (CIGE), Beijing, China. 2009 Supported by the Ministry of Culture of The People’s Republic of China, the Sixth Edition of the China International Gallery Exposition (CIGE 2009)... more
The Segment that resists the art market crisis The global market of modern and contemporary African art performed strongly in 2016 with a sell-through rate of 72% in a morose context of the international art market and the slowing... more
The University of Cambridge, Department of History of Art Seminar Series on the theme of 'ART & LAW' will take place every Wednesday from 18 January – 8 March 2017 at 5:00pm in the Department of History of Art, 1-5 Scroope Terrace,... more
Speculating on Old Master paintings during the French Revolution: the Trumbull, Parker and Lebrun partnership Sarah Bakkali, independent scholar During troubled times, as it is currently the case with the terrible crisis we are all going... more
This paper analyzes the art market for the painter Emile Friant. The dataset is available online : Saint-Raymond, Léa, 2016, "Les ventes aux enchères des oeuvres d'Emile Friant, à Paris, du vivant du peintre", doi:10.7910/DVN/T0NGJ6,... more
The study is Identify and describe the characteristic features of the art marketplace, determine organizational functions and key stages of the development of international art market. Particular attention payed to the economic and legal... more
Os museus, tanto no Brasil quanto no mundo, vêm sendo parte do jogo milionário do mercado de arte, mesmo sendo algo completamente contrário ao que diz o código de ética e demais normas do estatuto. Será que isso é realmente um problema?... more
The impact of the 2008 crisis on the Spanish economy has been very strong and its consequences are still noticeable ten years later, having significantly modified the economic situation and the very structure that supports it. Its impact... more
Léa Saint-Raymond, "Le marché secondaire de l'art. Un "aimant" pour les galeries parisiennes ?" in Hélène Ivanoff et Denise Vernerey-Laplace (dirs.), Les artistes et leurs galeries, Paris-Berlin, 1900-1950, Tome 1 : Paris, Rouen, Presses... more
In this article I argue that the exploitation of poor artists is largely an affair internal to the art world. The exploitation is enabled by a shared art ethos that emphasizes that sacrificing oneself to art is good. All participants in... more
Une histoire globale des avant-gardes picturales se doit d’expliquer pourquoi celles-ci apparurent en certains endroits et pas en d’autres, comment elles circulaient entre les pays et les capitales, ce qui les portait et si elles... more
Through looking at the notion of intrinsic motivation, the emergence of Internet Art, its alternative valuation system, and the new Post-Internet Art of today, this short literature review will attempt to set foot in answering the... more
Il presente elaborato si pone l’obiettivo di indagare il tema della diversità culturale e della valorizzazione delle differenze all’interno del mercato dell’arte contemporanea. Come è ben noto, il concetto di diversità è legato a tutti... more
دکتر بابک صفاری متولد 1358، دانش‌آموختۀ کارشناسی برق از دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان و کارشناسی ارشد و دکترای توسعه و برنامه‌ریزی اقتصادی از دانشگاه اصفهان است. صفاری که عضو هیأت علمی گروه اقتصاد دانشگاه اصفهان است، مشاوره با سازمان‌ها و... more
A Sociedade Promotora das Belas-Artes em Portugal promoveu, entre os anos de 1862 e 1887, catorze exposições. Consequentemente, interessou-nos averiguar a importância destes certames para o desenvolvimento do então incipiente mercado... more
Aukcje młodej sztuki istnieją na polskim rynku sztuki od 2008 roku. Pomimo dekady ich funkcjonowania i rosnącej popularności wśród kolekcjonerów nie zostały one dotąd zanalizowane krytycznie. W niniejszej pracy fenomen aukcji młodej... more
When, in November 2018, David Hockneys “Portrait of an Artist (Pool with two figures)” is auctioned at Christies, it is likely to reach a world-record price for a work by a living artist. Why such artwork is usually sold using the... more
Il lavoro intende approfondire le vicende storico-artistiche che riguardano un affresco di Perugino, realizzato dall'artista per abbellire il sacello della famiglia Albizi in San Pier Maggiore a Firenze.
This anthology draws together a multidisciplinary array of writings on Western art markets, from the 14th century into the global era. The introductory chapter introduces the mechanisms of markets and looks at specific anomalies of... more
The paper addresses the issue of digitalization of the contemporary art market. It analyzes key features of today’s online art market and discusses three technological innovations—cryptocurrency, blockchain, and artificial... more