Free Access

Table 2.

Input parameters for the Monte Carlo simulation.

Parameter This work Comparison work
nH2O (cm−3) 6(8), 6(10), 6(12) 1(11)a
T (K) 300 − 800 700 − 1200a
1000 − 1500e

Eads (K) 8420 (55%)
(100) 19 240 (15%) 19 240.4c, 19 240b
15 640 (30%) 16 120a, 15 132.4d
Nsites 400 32a
Ngrid cells 400 3924a,10 000e
cell size (nm2) 0.06700 0.00062a

Notes. The number in parentheses (…) indicates the power of 10.


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