
Politics refers to the activities associated with the governance of a state or organization, including decision-making, policy formulation, and implementation. This category includes metrics such as political stability, government effectiveness, corruption, and representation. It also includes articles on political ideologies, electoral systems, and civil society engagement may also be considered.


There are currently 206 articles in this topic.


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Abortion Bans by State
Abortion Rates by State
Age of Majority by State
Airbow Legal States
Alabama Rig Legal States
Alcohol Laws by State
Alcohol Tax by State
Alcohol Vaporizer Legal States
Aldermen by State
Alkaline Hydrolysis Legal States
Ammunition Limits by State
Anonymous Lottery States
Assault Rifle Legality by State
Assisted Suicide States
At-Will Employment States
Autism Benefits by State
Axolotl Legal States
Ayahuasca Legal States
BAC Limit by State
Bad Check Laws by State
Balance Billing Laws by State
Ban the Box States
Bath Salts Legal by StateDescription of the drug known as "bath salts" and details regarding states where bath salts are legal and which states have outlawed bath salts.
Baton Legal States
Beastiality Legal States
Bellwether States
Best State to Be a Police Officer
Best States for Gun Owners
Bet365 Legal States
Betcha Legal States
BetMGM Legal States
BetOnline Legal States
BetRivers Legal States
Biden Approval Rating by State
Binary Trigger Legal States
Blue States
Blue Wall States
Body Armor Laws by State
Body Camera Laws by State
Bovada Legal States
Buckshot Legal States
Caesars Legal States
Capitol Buildings by State
Castle Doctrine States
Caucus States
Closed Primary States
Commonwealth States
Concealed Carry Reciprocity States
Concealed Carry States
Constitutional Carry StatesList and details of which states have legally authorized constitutional carry, also known as permitless carry, as well as the minimum ages at which it is legal.
Correctional Officer Salary by State
COVID Vaccine Mandates by State
Death Penalty States
Debt by State
Delegate Count by State
Deportation Statistics
Deregulated Electricity States
Disability Benefits by State
Donor States
Duty to Inform States
Duty to Retreat States
Early Voting States
Election Day by State
Electoral Votes by State
Eligible Voters by State
ERA Ratification States
ESPN Bet Legal States 2024 / Barstool Sportsbook Legal StatesList of states where ESPN Bet sportsbook, formerly known as Barstool Sportsbook, is legal.
Exit Tax by State
Federal Aid by State
Federal Firearms Licensees by State
Federal Government Employees by State
Federal Land by State
Federal Spending by State
FEMA Locations by State
Food Stamp Benefits by State
Foster Care Stipend by State
Free College Tuition for Seniors by State
Free Government Phones by State
Free States
Gas Taxes by State
Governor Salary by State
Governor Term Limits by State
Gun Laws by State
Highest Taxed States
Hollow Point Legal States
How Many States are Needed to Ratify an Amendment in ?
How Many States Did Reagan Win?
How Many States Did Trump Win in 2016?
Income Tax by State
Independent Voters by State
IRS Workers by State
IVF Coverage by State
Least Free States
Least Taxed States
List of US Presidents by Home State
List of Vice Presidents by State
Lockdown by State
Medicaid Enrollment by State
Medicaid Expansion States
Minimum Wage Increases by State
Most Conservative States
Most Corrupt StatesList of most-corrupt states and the least-corrupt states, including discussion of why corruption data is so often misinterpreted.
Most Democratic States
Most Free States
Most Gerrymandered States
Most Independent States
Most Liberal States
Most Libertarian States
Most Republican States
National Guard Benefits by State
National Popular Vote by State
Native American Reservations by State
Nexus by State
Ninth Circuit States
No Income Tax States
Non Extradition States
Number of Representatives by State
Obama Care Prices by State
Open Carry States
Open Primary States
PACE Programs by State
Pension Friendly States
Planned Parenthood Abortions by State
Police Killings by StateData on the number of people killed by police in each U.S. state, as well as the victims' races or ethnicities.
Police Officer Salary by State
Police Officers by State
Police Pensions by State
Political Parties by State
Poll Closing Time by State
Presidential Battleground States
Prison Population by State
Prison Spending by State
Property Taxes by State
Public Land by State
Real ID Compliant States
Recidivism Rates by State
Red Flag Laws States
Red States
Registered Voters by Party
Registered Voters by State
Registered Weapons by State
Retirement Taxes by State
Sales Tax by State
Same Day Voter Registration States
SBA Loan List by State
Secession States
Senators by State
Shall Issue States
Single Party Consent States
Sixth Circuit States
Social Security Disability Benefits by State
Social Security Number by State
Social Security Tax States
Squatters Rights by State
SSI Payment Amounts by State
Stand Your Ground States
State Defense Forces by State
State License Plate Laws
State Militias by State
State Powers
States that Don't Tax Military Retirement
States that Don't Tax Pensions
States with No Property Tax
States with the Most Counties
States Without Obamacare Exchanges
States without Sales Tax
Swing States
Tax Burden by State
Tax Rates by State
Taxes by State
Tenth Circuit States
Trump Approval Rating by State
Unemployment Benefits by State
Union States
Unmarked Police Car Laws by State
VA Benefits by State
Vote by Mail States
Voter ID Laws by StateDetails regarding each state's voter identification laws, which states require a photo ID to vote, and other voter ID requirements by state.
Voter Turnout by State
Voters by Race By State
Welfare Drug Test States
Welfare Recipients by State
Welfare Time Limit by State
Winner Take All States
Worst Prisons by State
Worst School Districts by State
Young Voters by State
1960 Election Results
1964 Election Results
1968 Election Results
1972 Election Results
1976 Election Results
1980 Election Results
1984 Election Results
1988 Election Results
1992 Election Results
1996 Election Results
2000 Election Results
2004 Election Results
2008 Election Results
2012 Election Results
2016 Election Results by State
2018 Election Results
2020 Election Results
2022 Election Results
2024 Election Results
showing: 206 rows

State Listing Articles: Politics/Government