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Questions tagged [nuclear]

For questions about atomic nuclear phenomena and their effects on the world. For heat and power generation applications of nuclear phenomena, use [nuclear-power]. For weapons relying on nuclear phenomena, consider [nuclear weapons] and [weapon-mass-destruction]. Compare [radioactivity], [weak-force] and [strong-force].

0 votes
3 answers

How would the Politburo respond to Project A119?

In 1958 the United States Air Force considered a mission to detonate a nuclear device on the surface of the Moon. The endeavour was framed as a booster to American public morale in the wake of the ...
Jem's user avatar
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6 answers

I'm looking for an event that would have accelerated the American nuclear program

I've been brainstorming this idea of America conquering the world right after World War II, during the period when USA was the only nation with the atomic bomb. I'm looking for something either ...
HIGHYIELD's user avatar
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2 answers

Do chemicals from nuclear reprocessing waste remain radioactive? Are they flammable?

I'm writing a story about a town whose residents all work at a nuclear reprocessing site. Some teenagers begin to hang out near a small body of water close to the site that they call "the swamp". The ...
Julia's user avatar
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1 answer

What would happen if someone could remotely manipulate atoms?

Those of you who are familiar with the DC Comics hero Firestorm know that he can alter the chemical structure of any form of inorganic matter, provided he knows the chemical equation. In my story, I ...
Strivs's user avatar
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2 answers

Effect of an asteroid impact on a nuclear power plant?

I want to write a story about a thought experiment that I have on the other day : What kind of catastrophe will happen if an asteroid, let just say about 70 meters in diameter, penetrated Earth's ...
Mister OwO's user avatar
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1 answer

What signs of nuclear explosion in SLC can be seen from Lincoln Highway?

First thing: I don't know if it's the right stack to ask this question, so I'm sorry if it's not. I'm writing an adventure for an apocalyptic RPG session. One point of the plot is a detonation of 100 ...
DontWantMyPlayersToFindMe's user avatar
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The chemical and nuclear science behind pyromancy

For quiet sometime now I’ve been stuck on one of the finer details of my world building. Namely that one of my characters is this world’s version of a pyromancer that, through the use of both the ...
Seraphim's user avatar
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What would be the best way to power a mecha? [closed]

While searching around, I kept hearing that fusion was a good choice, but how best to covert the energy to electricity was an issue. However, during my research, I came across this: Photon-...
Jacob Blaustein's user avatar
11 votes
7 answers

Is it possible for a creature to exist as a biological nuclear reactor?

This is somewhat different to this question on the possibility of biological fusion reactors as I am curious if a living FISSION reactor is more plausible.
Jacob Blaustein's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

What could cause a spike in the natural uranium depletion rate?

What is a possible event${^*}$ that would cause a spike in the speed of $^{235}$U fission and reduce its average concentration in ore worldwide? As I understand the physics of the process, it is ...
FrogOfJuly's user avatar
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5 answers

How to optimise the use of 10 nuclear fuel pellets in medieval period?

Suppose 10 standard nuclear fuel pellets have been sent back in time to the 14th century A. D. scattered across 10 adjacent towns via a disposable time machine. Would people in the medieval period be ...
user6760's user avatar
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2 answers

How might an exoplanet have a highly radioactive atmosphere?

The exoplanet in question is Proxima Centauri b. How might the mid-to-upper-level atmosphere of that planet be dangerously radioactive and full of airborne nuclear reagents, without it being the ...
ZarHakkar's user avatar
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What would be the dangers of creating matter from nothing

Dear top secret science network, Humanity was visited by visitors from another universe altogether (one which doesn't obey our laws of physics) - the D'jini. A diplomatic convoy of them apperead one ...
Lause's user avatar
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How much energy would a character need to disassemble and reassemble their matter?

I wanted to have characters that can control energy and matter, so Dr Manhattan came to mind as a great example of a character that does that. Information on him says that he has complete awareness ...
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3 answers

Could a futuristic group of people collect/farm nuclear pasta from neutron stars?

Would it even be feasible under science fiction logic? It would allow nuclear weapons to be mass produced if the nuclear pasta could actually be collected and contained safely.
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