When I am using manage_media_columns filter of the WordPress I am getting the fatal error.

This is the code I have added in my functions.php file.

add_filter('manage_media_columns' , 'book_cpt_columns');

function book_cpt_columns($columns) {
    $new_columns = array(
        'publisher' => __('Publisher', 'ThemeName'),
        'book_author' => __('Book Author', 'ThemeName'),

    return array_merge($columns, $new_columns);

Error I am getting is "Too few arguments fatal error in Add New Media File page error."

1 Answer 1


It looks like the issue is coming because of the conflict of the hooks (manage_media_columns and manage_{$screen->id}_columns) because when we manage_{$screen->id}_columns used for media it becomes manage_media_columns and started conflicting.

The same details are mentioned in the documentation link of the hook.

Link: https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/manage_screen-id_columns/#more-information

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