Members of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring

Over 170 countries and territories are part of the WHO programme as full or associate members.

Collaborating globally

The WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring has welcomed new members since 1968 and still continues to grow. View the full and associate member countries and territories in the list below, which also gives the year they joined the programme. 

At the launch in 1968, the programme was piloted by 10 members, namely Australia, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, United Kingdom, and USA.

Full members (157)

Afghanistan (2016)
Albania (2020)
Algeria (2021)
Andorra (2008)
Angola (2013) 
Argentina (1994) 
Armenia (2001) 
Australia (1968) 
Austria (1991)
Azerbaijan (2018)
Bangladesh (2014)
Barbados (2008)
Belarus (2006) 
Belgium (1977)
Benin (2011)
Bhutan (2014)
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) (2013)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (2019)
Botswana (2009)  
Brazil (2001) 
Brunei Darussalam (2005)
Bulgaria (1975) 
Burkina Faso (2010)
Burundi (2022)
Cabo Verde (2012)
Cambodia (2012)
Cameroon (2010) 
Canada (1968) 
Central African Republic (2022)
Chad (2018)
Chile (1996) 
China (1998) 
Colombia (2004)
Congo (2021) 
Costa Rica (1991) 
Côte d'Ivoire (2010) 
Croatia (1992) 
Cuba (1994) 
Cyprus (2000) 
Czechia (1992) 
Democratic Republic of the Congo (2010)
Denmark (1971)
Dominican Republic (2020) 
Ecuador (2017)
Egypt (2001)
El Salvador (2017)
Eritrea (2012) 
Estonia (1998) 
Eswatini (2015)
Ethiopia (2008) 
Fiji (1999) 
Finland (1974) 
France (1986)
Gabon (2023)
Gambia (2021)
Georgia (2018)
Germany (1968) 
Ghana (2001) 
Greece (1990) 
Guatemala (2002)
Guinea (2013)
Guinea-Bissau (2022)
Honduras (2020)
Hungary (1990)
Iceland (1990)
India (1998) 
Indonesia (1990) 
Iran (Islamic Republic of) (1998) 
Iraq (2010) 
Ireland (1968) 
Israel (1973)
Italy (1975)
Jamaica (2012)
Japan (1972) 
Jordan (2002)
Kazakhstan (2008) 
Kenya (2010)
Kuwait (2021) 
Kyrgyzstan (2003)

Lao People’s Democratic Republic (2015)
Latvia (2002)
Lebanon (2021)
Liberia (2013)
Libya (2021)
Lithuania (2005)
Luxembourg (2020) 
Madagascar (2009) 
Malawi (2019)
Malaysia (1990)
Maldives (2016) 
Mali (2011)
Malta (2004)
Mauritania (2023)
Mauritius (2014) 
Mexico (1999) 
Mongolia (2021)
Montenegro (2009) 
Morocco (1992) 
Mozambique (2005)
Namibia (2008)
Nepal (2006) 
Netherlands (1968) 
New Zealand (1968) 
Nicaragua (2020)
Niger (2012)
Nigeria (2004)
North Macedonia (2000) 
Norway (1971)
Oman (1995)
Pakistan (2018)
Panama (2016)
Papua New Guinea (2018)
Paraguay (2018)
Peru (2002) 
Philippines (1995) 
Poland (1972) 
Portugal (1993)
Republic of Korea (1992)
Republic of Moldova (2003)
Romania (1976) 
Russian Federation (1998)
Rwanda (2013)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (2020)
Saudi Arabia (2009) 
Senegal (2009)  
Serbia (2000) 
Sierra Leone (2008)  
Singapore (1993) 
Slovakia (1993) 
Slovenia (2010)
South Africa (1992) 
Spain (1984) 
Sri Lanka (2000) 
Sudan (2008) 
Suriname (2007) 
Sweden (1968) 
Switzerland (1991)
Syrian Arab Republic (2018)
Tajikistan (2023)
Thailand (1984) 
Togo (2007) 
Tunisia (1993) 
Türkiye (1987)
Uganda (2007) 
Ukraine (2002) 
United Arab Emirates (2013)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (1968) 
United Republic of Tanzania 
Mainland (1993)
Zanzibar (2024)
United States of America (1968)
Uruguay (2001) 
Uzbekistan (2006)
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (1995) 
Viet Nam (1999)
Yemen (2022)
Zambia (2010)  
Zimbabwe (1998)


Associate members (23)

WHO Member States
Antigua and Barbuda
Cook Islands
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Sao Tome and Principe
South Sudan

Territories / Areas
British Virgin Islands

Last modified on: June 27, 2024